Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is
training organizations to engage the future & move society forward
in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher
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Does Globalisation Spell the End of Local Accents?
A leading BBC journalist was recently offered money to take elocution lessons, because her accent comes from the north of England.

Will local accents be lost in the age of globalisation? Should people with distinct accents modulate or soften them to be understood (or befriended)?

Mal Fletcher addresses these questions in this interview with BBC Radio's Mike Parr.

Added 25/11/2014

New Leadership & Digital Revolution 2
The Digital Revolution is moving into a new phase, creating new dynamics in human relationships, alliance-building and innovation.

How can leaders in business, civic authorities and community organisations get ahead of the digital change curve? What type of culture can they build to better negotiate the changes?

Mal Fletcher, social futurist and global leadership speaker, addresses these questions in this clip from an interview for Australia's Vision Radio network.

Added 24/11/2014

New Leadership & Strategic Failure
Change is the wallpaper of today's leadership environment - nothing much stays the same for long. Innovation demands that we allow for failure along the way.

How can leaders in business, civic authorities and community organisations create cultures of innovation by allowing for strategic failure?

Mal Fletcher, global leadership speaker and social futurist answers the question in this clip from an interview for the Vision Radio network in Australia.

Added 24/11/2014

Should We Change How We See Growing Old?
How old is old? Have we changed, for the worse, our view of growing old - and are we losing out as a result?

Professor Mary Beard advocates a major change in the way we see old age. Is she right?

Mal Fletcher discusses this in an interview with Phil Gayle on BBC Radio.

Added 06/10/2014

Scottish Independence Results
In the wake of the Scottish independence referendum, how do people in the UK see themselves - as British, or English, Scottish, Welsh or Northern Irish?

What lessons need to be learned going forward post-referendum? What form of government might Britain adopt in order to allow for national pride?

Mal Fletcher answers these and other questions in this interview with the Daily Mail's Andrew Pierce on LBC, talk radio in London.

Added 22/09/2014

Ice Buckets & Motor Neurone Disease
Undoubtedly the ice bucket challenge has raised huge amounts of money for charity, in particular for research into the as yet little understood Motor Neurone Disease.

But is the challenge, driven by social media, at times distracting from the cause? How central is social media to challenges like this one and what impact do social media have on the way we think and behave?

Mal Fletcher discussed these questions in this discussion hosted by BBC Radio's Bill Heine.

This interview is part of a longer discussion (Sun Aug 31, 2014) involving fellow guests Mark Stone, trustee of the Motor Neurone Disease Association, and Councillor Ian Hudspeth, Leader of Oxfordshire County Council. The full interview is on the BBC Oxford "listen again" site for a short time only.

Added 01/09/2014

Ice Bucket Challenge & Social Media
The ice bucket challenge is raising huge amounts of money for worthy charities.

What role does peer pressure play in this trend? It also driven by a form of exhibitionism? What does it say about the power of social media? Are there any traps of which we should be wary?

Mal Fletcher, social commentator, discusses these questions in this interview with Mike Parr for BBC Radio.

Added 26/08/2014

Assisted Dying - The Right Way Forward?
The British House of Lords recently debated Lord Falconer's Bill allowing assisted dying.

Is assisted death the right way forward, both for those who are suffering and for the wider society as a whole? What are the possible implications of such laws for the future of society and for emerging generations?

On the day the Bill was due to be debated, the BBC's Lisa McCormick interviewed Professor Stephen Hawking, Paralympic champion Baronness Tanni Grey-Thompson and social commentator Mal Fletcher.

Click here to read Mal Fletcher's OpEd on this site.

Added 07/08/2014

Facebook and Data Privacy
Facebook was this week found to have conducted a pscyhology experiment involving over 600 thousand of its users, without their knowledge or consent.

What does this say about the need for data protection? Who actually owns the data we place on social networking platforms? What are the ethical questions to be answered here?

Social commentator and futurist Mal Fletcher answers these and other questions in this interview with Allan Lee on Australia's Vision Radio Network.


Click here to read Mal Fletcher's editorial on this story.

Added 04/07/2014

Leadership versus Elitism in UK Politics
 What do the recent EU elections tell us about the thinking of voters?

Some pundits talk about a 'lurch to the right'; but is the shift more about a reaction to elitism at the top?

Social commentator Mal Fletcher discusses these questions in this interview on British Radio.

Added 03/07/2014

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Mal, it was good to see you at Christian Broadcasters Conference 07. You have an insight & perspective that's extremely helpful as the UK Christian Broadcasting industry slowly grows up & matures.
Tim, United Kingdom

I watched edges on and have been hooked since then. It's awesome!!
Fi, United Kingdom

Having EDGES on Premier TV is an awesome move. The audience for this great series is clearly growing!
John, United Kingdom

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