Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is
training organizations to engage the future & move society forward
in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher
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Has the Facebook Bubble Burst?
Has the Facebook bubble finally burst? Amid reports of a declining number of users in the UK and other developed nations, people are questioning whether or not social networking is here to stay.

Mal Fletcher discusses the benefits and limitations of social networking in this interview with BBC Radio Oxford.

Added 16/06/2011

The Digital Culture of Collaboration
'Collaborative consumerism' is a new catchphrase for the sharing of ideas and products via the internet. But does it represent a positive change - and is it here to stay?

Mal Fletcher discusses the positive side of the Digital Revolution - and the culture of collaboration - in this interview for BBC Radio.

Added 13/05/2011

Padded Bras & Sexualised T-Shirts for Kids
Some parents are deliberately dressing very young children as "sexy" mini-adults.

Meanwhile, mainstream culture is continually becoming more sexualised, especially as displayed in media and advertising.

What can be done? Is it possible to redress the situation without turning back the clock?

Mal Fletcher is a guest in this discussion for BBC Radio.

Added 19/04/2011

Generations & Ageing: Who Will Care for the Old?
Who will take care of the elderly in a rapidly ageing and increasingly urbanised society, where people are living longer? What role does digital technology play in the conveersation between generations?

Mal Fletcher discusses these questions and more in this interview with BBC Wales Radio.

Added 24/03/2011

TV Racial Stereotyping
The producer of TV's popular Midsommer Murders programme was sacked today amidst a debate about racial stereotyping on TV.

Is this all a storm in a teacup? Does TV attempt social engineering? Mal Fletcher discusses in this short interview with BBC Radio.

Added 16/03/2011

Are Brits Addicted to DVDs?
A new British study shows that 34% of people say they're obsessed with their favourite TV series - and 49% of families have marathon DVD sessions.

Are Brits addicted to box set DVDs? Mal Fletcher answers in this interview with BBC Radio.

Added 23/02/2011

Ageism in Media
Following a landmark court decision finding the BBC guilty of age discrimination, Mal Fletcher looks at the issue of ageism in media in an interview with BBC Radio.

Read Mal's social comment editorial on this issue.

Added 12/01/2011

Sexualising Children via Media
As the BBC's Panorama TV programme takes another look at the vexed & vital subject of child sexualisation, Mal Fletcher discusses this issue on BBC Radio

(To watch Mal on SKY TV on this issue, click here.)

Added 11/01/2011

Royal Engagement - Subject of Voyeurism?
In this interview with Steve Austin of ABC Radio (Australia), Mal Fletcher argues that news of the royal engagement is news not just about a Royal Wedding but a marriage and people need to treat it accordingly.

Added 19/11/2010

Royal Wedding: A Marriage Not Just A Party
Prince William and Kate Middleton have announced there engagement. Will the pageant that is a royal wedding overshadow the fact that a marriage is a private relationship?

Mal Fletcher discusses w/ BBC Radio Oxford, UK.

Added 17/11/2010

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I've been in Spain since 1990 & believe our Lord is giving a second chance to this county. They call Spain the missionary´s cemetery, but I believe that God still wants to reach Spanish people.
Gustavo Nova, Spain

I've never seen a program that has challenged me as much as EDGES. My thinking has changed, it has encouraged me to grow and given me a deeper knowledge and understanding.
Roddy, United Kingdom

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