Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group which is training organizations to engage the future & move society forward in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher
Over the past five years, Next Wave's MasterClasses have equipped hundreds of church and community leaders, as well as media and youth workers, for greater effectiveness in communication, media, generational ministry, leadership and church planting.
SLC Network
The annual Strategic Leadership Consultation (SLC) network meetings are unique, invitation events attended by the leaders of some of Europe's major 'new church' networks and national ministries.
Thank you for the Daily Recharges, they always speak such amazing insight and revelation to me. It is truly inspiring!! Ruth, Australia
As a Care Home Manager for older people...[I see that] the culture of the family unit has changed, but I'm heartened by those that come to work as carers & give quality care & love to the residents. Jude Goode, United Kingdom