Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group which is
training organizations to engage the future & move society forward
in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher
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Should Britain Stay in the EU?

With tensions within Britain's government regarding the future of the nation's EU membership, many people are calling for a referendum on the issue.

Should Britain remain in the EU?

Mal Fletcher, Social Futurist, discusses the future possibilities - and why 'left', 'right' and 'centre' may no longer be helpful terms in political debate - in this discussion on BBC Radio, with host Will Gompertz and fellow guest, musician Mark Mullin.

Added 13/05/2013

Ohio - Will This Happen More Often in Future?

The story of three young women held captive in a house in Ohio, USA for ten years has led many people to question how it was that nobody noticed anything amiss.

Social Futurist Mal Fletcher believes that we may see more of these tragedies going unnoticed in the future. He explains why in this discussion on BBC Radio, with host Will Gompertz and fellow guest, musician Mark Mullin.

Added 13/05/2013

Should People Stay in Their Jobs Longer?

Is there any value in people staying in their job's for longer periods of time, instead of moving from job to job?

Mal Fletcher, social commentator and futurist, discusses this on BBC Radio, with host Will Gompertz and fellow guest, musician Mark Mullin.

Added 13/05/2013

Age of Consent - Should it be 13?

A senior British barrister has called for the age of consent to be lowered to 13 years.

What would this mean for British society and, perhaps more importantly, for British children?

Mal Fletcher responds in this interview on BBC Radio.

Added 09/05/2013

Ohio Captivity: When Next Door is a World Away

People across the USA and the world listened with horror to the unfolding story of three women, now aged in their twenties, who had been held captive in an Ohio house for the best part of a decade.

In this interview for BBC Radio, Social Commentator Mal Fletcher discussed what this and similar situations reveal about society - and how we might avert them in future.

Click here to read Mal Fletcher's editorial on this subject.

Added 08/05/2013

The Future of Business & Society
What does the future hold for business - and what particular social changes will most impact on business?

Mal Fletcher addressed these and other questions in this impacting and insightful interview with Susanne Anderson of Future Radio in the UK.

Mal was visiting the English city of Norwich for the 2020Plus Civic and Leadership Event, part of the 20.2020Project which co-hosted by Next Wave International.

Added 07/03/2013

Creating Innovation Hubs for Business & Tech

What does it take to turn a regional city into a thriving innovation hub?

A study conducted by 2020Plus has identified certain significant characteristics of cities that attract innovative businesses and research, from Europe and the USA.

Mal Fletcher, Social Futurist, shared some of the characteristics in this intriguing interview with BBC Radio.

Click here to read Mal's Leadership Editorial on this subject.

Added 14/02/2013

Social Networking - Benefit or Distraction?
Is social networking a benefit to society, or a massive distraction?

Mal answers the question in a BBC Radio discussion about his new book, "Fascinating Times".

Added 11/02/2013

Horse Meat in Packaged Foods
A scandal has erupted in the UK this week about the use of horsemeat within packaged foods - and the implications for the Food Standards Authority.

Taking part in this panel on BBC Radio, Mal Fletcher asks whether the EU also has questions to answer.

Added 11/02/2013

Valentine's Day - Do Opposites Attract?
As Valentine's Day approaches, Mal Fletcher answers the question: 'Do opposites attract?'

And is there more to relationships than romance?

This is an excerpt from a segment on BBC Radio.

Added 11/02/2013

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I've been listening to a lot of the EDGES shows online and find them highly intellectual and factual and extremely interesting. They're so useful in building my understanding of real issues seen from Christian eyes... I love it! Thanks.
Joel, UK

Hi Mal and team. The article on the Danish cartoons is well written.
Lance, Australia

Your site is slick and very thought provoking.
Roger, UK

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