Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is
training organizations to engage the future & move society forward
in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher
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Are We Over-Reliant on Tech?
Is our growing reliance on technology potentially leading to a weakening of brain function?

Might an over-reliance on the digital experience lead to digital dementia?

Mal Fletcher discusses in this interview on BBC Radio.

Added 22/02/2012

Technology: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Is our growing reliance on digital technology, especially the mobile variety, a good thing or not?

Are we sacrificing some important human functions by relying so heavily on the digital experience?

Mal Fletcher answers these questions and more in this interview for BBC Radio.

Added 19/01/2012

Riots and Celebrity Culture
One of Britain's most influential government ministers, Iain Duncan Smith, says that England's summer riots were at least in part due to the influence of celebrity culture and consumerism.

Is he right? Mal Fletcher looked at the question in this debate on BBC Radio 5 Live.

Added 12/12/2011

Does Blogging Have a Future?
In the age of micro-blogging services like Twitter, and video vlogs on YouTube, is the writing on the proverbial wall for the humble blog?

Mal Fletcher answers these questions as part of this interview on BBC Radio.

Added 27/10/2011

Leadership & the Future of Cities
Stoke-on-Trent has been one of the UK cities hardest hit by the recession and its aftermath.

In Oct 2011, 2020Plus, the Think Tank on social change and leadership innovation, co-sponsored a leadership event for civic and business leaders in the city. Leadership speaker and social futurist Mal Fletcher outlined what might be needed to rejuvenate a culture of innovation across the city. (The event was hosted by Avodah Enterprises and Breathe City Church.)

Mal discusses what is required of leaders in tough times in this interview for BBC Radio Stoke. Note: this excerpt is part of a longer, prerecorded interview and was edited for time by the BBC.

Added 14/10/2011

Bad News Media?
Are British news programmes adding to a general mindset of negativity, which saps people's confidence in their ability to be proactive and inventive?

Mal Fletcher discusses the issue in this interview for BBC radio.

Added 06/10/2011

Reality TV: An Exercise in Exploitation?
TV's hit show the X-Factor has been accused of going beyond the bounds of decency.

It allowed a 54-year-old woman with no discernible singing talent to progress to the on-air performance stage, only to have the crowd laugh at her.

Do Reality TV shows exploit the vulnerable? Mal Fletcher faces up to the question in this BBC Radio interview.

Added 22/09/2011

The Great British House Cleaning of 2011
What impact have the riots in London and other cities had on British identity and values?

Do British people trust public institutions? How should major institutions respond after a string of scandals? What can public institutions as well as church and community groups do to help restore confidence and move things forward in a positive direction?

Mal Fletcher discussed these important questions in this interview for BBC Radio.

Added 28/08/2011

Where Now for Facebook & Social Networking?
As Britain records its first ever contempt of court case citing Facebook as an influence, what does the future hold for this and other social networking sites?

Why are significant numbers of people in developed countries opting out of Facebook? Social commentator Mal Fletcher looks at some of the strengths and weaknesses of the social networking phenomenon in this interview for BBC Radio Guernsey.

Added 16/06/2011

What's The Future Hold for Facebook?
In the wake of a UK contempt of court case involving the use of Facebook, people are questioning the future of the social networking platform.

Social commentator Mal Fletcher discusses what the future may hold for Facebook and social networking generally, in this interview for BBC Radio Manchester.

Added 16/06/2011

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Your Feedback
Mal visited our Church today. I wanted to meet him, but I was working the camera. I'm a 16yr old Christian writer & currently some of my work is in the youth version of "Everyday with Jesus". Please check out my blog
Ryan Lane, United Kingdom

Re Mal on BBC Breakfast: great stuff as usual Mal. I was amazed to hear your neutral, reasoned comments.
cybersethxp (via YouTube), UK

Dear Mal, please post me youth resource material. I'm a youth worker in the community & in schools as a volunteer. Thanks & God bless you!
willie de klerk, South Africa

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