Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group which is
training organizations to engage the future & move society forward
in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher
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Is New Charlie Hebdo Cover Offensive?
French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo has just published its first edition after the tragic attacks in Paris.

The cover features another drawing of the Muslim Prophet Muhammed. Is this inflammatory? Should other media and press outlets republish the cover? What is the balance between freedom of expression and exercising restraint in the immediate wake of a tragedy?

Mal Fletcher answers these questions and more in this interview with BBC Radio's Mike Parr.

(To listen to Mal's other BBC interviews on this subject, click here and here.)

Added 13/01/2015

Freedom of Speech - Paris Attacks
What do the terrorist attacks in Paris last week mean to the freedom of speech?

What part does religion play in the actions of extremists? Why are Muslims offended by the work of the magazine Charlie Hebdo and does freedom of expression have limits?

Mal Fletcher speaks to these and other questions with fellow guests Dr. Sheik H Ramzi and Leander Reeves in this (feisty) interview with BBC Radio's David Prever.

Click here for Mal's other BBC interview on this subject.

Added 11/01/2015

Charlie Hebdo Attacks
The terrorist attacks in Paris this week left France and much of the free world desperately looking for answers in order to prevent future tragedies.

What can we learn from these attacks that might help us in the future? What are the hallmarks of this breed of radicalisation and how should they be addressed? What do these attacks suggest about freedom of speech and how religious communities might respond to radicalisation?

Mal Fletcher discusses these in this interview with BBC Manchester's Mike Shaft.

Click here for Mal's other BBC interview on this subject.

Added 11/01/2015

Are CCTV Systems Becoming More Intrusive?
As more and more people incorporate CCTV camera systems into their home security, questions are being asked about whether this technology is becoming more intrusive.

London already has the highest number of CCTV units per capita of any major city in Europe. Has CCTV gone too far? What does this mean for personal privacy? What should be done if a neighbour encroaches on personal space using CCTV?

Mal Fletcher, social commentator, discusses all of these questions in this interview with LBC Radio's Larry Lamb.

Added 22/12/2014

US Report on CIA "Torture"
A US Senate Democrats' Report has suggested that the CIA used illegal interrogation methods on terror suspects post-9/11.

What are the important questions to be asked in the wake of this report?

Mal Fletcher discusses in the interview for BBC Radio.

Added 15/12/2014

London's Air Traffic Chaos
Much of the airspace over southern England was temporarily closed for several hours last week, due to a problem with software used to direct air traffic.

How could this happen in the high-tech twenty-first century?

Mal Fletcher discusses with the BBC's Will Gompertz.

Added 15/12/2014

What Does Future Hold for Labour Party in Scotland
As a new leader steps up to lead the Scottish Labour Party - and the previous SNP leader attempts a run for a national seat - what does the future hold for the party north of the border?

Mal Fletcher discusses with Dr Ashley Griffin and the BBC's Will Gompertz.

Added 14/12/2014

Are Executives Paid Too Much?
Are senior corporate executives paid too much money?

Mal Fletcher discussed this with the BBC's Will Gompertz.

Added 14/12/2014

Are the Tories finished in Scotland?
Are the Tory Party finished in Scotland?

Will they ever be a strong voice in Scottish politics, or have a strong representation from Scotland within Westminster?

Mal Fletcher discussed the issues with Dr Ashley Griffin in this interview with the BBC's Will Gompertz.

Added 14/12/2014

Russell Brand vs Nigel Farage
On the BBC's Question Time programe last week, comedian Russell Brand took on Ukip leader Nigel Farage.

What did the sometimes heated exchange actually produce? And what does Mr Brand's politics say about the difference between anarchy and activism?

Mal Fletcher discusses this with Dr Ashley Griffin and the BBC's Arts Editor Will Gompertz.

Added 14/12/2014

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I have visited your website and have fallen in love with all that you are doing!
Pastor Dennis, Russia

Having EDGES on Premier TV is an awesome move. The audience for this great series is clearly growing!
John, United Kingdom

Hi Mal. I heard you last week on the radio when I was at work here in Amsterdam! Fun to hear your voice.
Jolanda, Netherlands

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