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The True Measure Of Influence

15 January 2025 Print version    PDA version    
2 Corinthians 10:12 'Oh, don't worry; I wouldn't dare say that I am as wonderful as these other men who tell you how important they are! But they are only comparing themselves with each other, and measuring themselves by themselves. What foolishness!' (New Living Translation)

There are Christians today who still do exactly what Paul was talking about here - they compare themselves only with themselves. They measure their growth against people who are just like them. Paul was right – this is foolishness. How can we ever hope to grow if all we ever look at are people who have the same limitations as ourselves? How can we ever come into a wider sphere of influence in the world if we're only concerned with what other Christians think of us? Sometimes, we behave as if our job is already done, as if the world has already been won. The true measure of a Christian's influence is not how many other Christians agree with his or her thinking. The true measure of our influence is how much people out there in the wider world defer to what we've taught them when they have a decision to make. Everyday, people around us make choices without even once thinking about the Christian response to their problem. It's only when we put God back in the frame for those people that we can say we're having real influence for God. So, let's not measure ourselves by ourselves. Let's look at the need around us and see that there's a world out there for us to influence!

Prayer: 'Lord, by your grace and with your strength I can influence the world around me today. Help me not to be smug or complacent, as if the job is already done. Help me to keep my focus on the need AND the opportunities out there in the world!'

© 2003-2004 Mal Fletcher

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