Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group which is
training organizations to engage the future & move society forward
in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher

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NHS App: How Secure Can It Be?

By Mal Fletcher, posted 06/07/2018

Why Has The World Become So Strange?

By Mal Fletcher, posted 18/06/2018

It's A Marriage, Not Just A Carnival

By , posted 19/05/2018

ADD and Digital Comms

By Mal Fletcher, posted 16/05/2018

Millennials Keep Their Virginity Longer

By Mal Fletcher, posted 07/05/2018

We Still Need Holy Days

By Mal Fletcher, posted 02/04/2018

ALL Media Must Protect Children

By Mal Fletcher, posted 18/03/2018

Social Media Lies Travel Faster Than Truth

By Mal Fletcher, posted 09/03/2018

Speeches are an Important Part of Leadership

By Mal Fletcher, posted 06/03/2018

The Relentless March of the Microchips

By Mal Fletcher, posted 25/07/2017

Why We Should Know BBC Star Salaries

By Mal Fletcher, posted 19/07/2017

Charlie Gard Outcome Should Favour Life

By Mal Fletcher, posted 07/07/2017

Why We'd Be Right To Fine Big Tech Companies

By Mal Fletcher, posted 03/07/2017

UK Election :: Here's What ACTUALLY Changes

By Mal Fletcher, posted 09/06/2017

Election Overload :: Politics v Statesmanship

By Mal Fletcher, posted 18/04/2017

PDA version   

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Should Sunday Trading Be Extended? Mal on BBC
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Are Churches Playing Big Brother? Mal on Premier Radio
Chips Under The Skin & Bio-Hacking - Mal on ABC Radio
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Your Feedback
Only a few days after learning of Next Wave I typed in 'Germany' in the search field. Less than a week later my puppet show is being considered for a part of [the ProChrist event]. Yes, you are effecting things you are very unaware of.
Robert, Germany

I was at Mal's MasterClass in Sheffield. It changed my whole view about the internet. The best information I've ever heard -- challenged me to do my homework!
Gauta Sarah, UK

Your MasterClass in Spain was an amazing seminar and very spirit filled. It will come in good use for us in Spain.
Gudrun, Spain

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