Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group which is
training organizations to engage the future & move society forward
in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher

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7/7 London Bombings: Overcoming A Climate of Fear

By Mal Fletcher, posted 07/07/2006

Abortion Pill: Simpler But No More Moral Or Healthy

By Mal Fletcher, posted 30/05/2006

The Da Vinci Code (& Thirty Pieces of Silver)

By Mal Fletcher, posted 14/04/2006

New Strain of H5N1 Bird Flu -- Church a Place of Healing

By Mal Fletcher, posted 21/03/2006

Tony Blair on Parkinson: A Prime Minister, Conscience & Faith

By Mal Fletcher, posted 04/03/2006

Danish Mohammed Cartoons: Abuse of Two Rights

By Mal Fletcher, posted 07/02/2006

London's Whale

By Mal Fletcher, posted 23/01/2006

New Year - Less Fear

By Mal Fletcher, posted 31/12/2005

Aussie Riots

By Mal Fletcher, posted 14/12/2005

An Archbishop With Passion!

By Mal Fletcher, posted 01/12/2005

PC: Politeness Turned Sour

By Mal Fletcher, posted 19/11/2005

French Riots: What Can We Learn?

By Mal Fletcher, posted 10/11/2005

Bird Flu Pandemic: Just For The Birds?

By Mal Fletcher, posted 24/10/2005

Signs of the end?

By Mal Fletcher, posted 10/10/2005

Signing Up To The European Ideal -- But What Is It?

By Mal Fletcher, posted 01/10/2005

PDA version   

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Your Feedback
Re the Bridgend suicides: This is a horrible tragedy for this town. The promise and excitement these young people have missed of college, getting married, children, having a career, being a grandparent, traveling the world... Where is the parental involvement in all this?
SuzieQ, United States

Dear Mal & all at Next Wave International, thank you for the work you are doing in reaching out to Europe with Christ's love.
Tony Gibbs, United Kingdom

Hi Mal, just wanted to say thanks for the awesome word of God you preached at Faith Camp, it really blessed my life!
Ross, United Kingdom

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