Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group which is
training organizations to engage the future & move society forward
in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher

Another Great UK MasterClass

Added 28 November 2005 View full list    Print version    
More than 80 pastors and leaders from across the north of England and as far afield as southern Wales attended the recent Communication and Media MasterClass in Sheffield.

The event, co-hosted by Hope City Church and the S4 Leadership Network, brought together church and community leaders hungry for up-to-date information and skills relating to communication.

Mal Fletcher kicked off the day on the subject 'Communication: What the Internet Can Teach Us?'

'The challenge for any organisation today is to break through the clutter and speak where people listen,' said Mal. 'MasterClasses like this one are helping leaders to smash through walls of predictability and reach an unreached audience.'

The day featured intensive training in communication techniques which guarantee a response.

For more information on Next Wave International MasterClass events, visit our MasterClass site.

Keywords: MasterClass | Master Class | Mal Fletcher | communication | media | Next Wave International | Hope City | Sheffield

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Your Feedback
The teaching at is just outstanding. I like the way it is presented. Mal is well spoken & very informative.
Rob, USA

Mal, a massive thanks from a baby boomer & a gen-Xer who had the priviledge of being inspired by you at the ALC Leadership Academy. You have really helped make sense of the world that we are seeking to influence...
Nigel & Christine, United Kingdom

I absolutely agree with you Mal on the danger of elevating of our leaders. There is something in man to want 'a king'. It's present in our current celebrity culture. It's curious when we see it in the world and it's pathetic when we see it in Christendom.
Michael Staires, United States

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