Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group which is
training organizations to engage the future & move society forward
in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher

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Chinese Bibles Roll Off Press At Record Rates

By Mal Fletcher, posted 10/12/2007

Missing UK Child Benefits Data - An Abuse Of Trust

By Mal Fletcher, posted 21/11/2007

Finnish School Shooting: Helping The Young Find A 'First Life' Before They Lose Themselves In SecondLife.

By Mal Fletcher, posted 11/11/2007

Abortion - This Generation's 'Slavery'?

By Mal Fletcher, posted 30/10/2007

The Madeleine McCann Story – Confusing Reality for Reality TV

By Mal Fletcher, posted 26/09/2007

Elvis - A Lesson In Celebrity

By Mal Fletcher, posted 17/08/2007

Live Earth – Beware Global Warming Overload

By Mal Fletcher, posted 07/07/2007

Blair Departs - A Reflection on Leadership

By Mal Fletcher, posted 27/06/2007

The Big Donor Show -- Unnecessary Hoax

By Mal Fletcher, posted 04/06/2007

Big Donor -- Public Service Or Just Bad Taste?

By Mal Fletcher , posted 31/05/2007

New Era for Northern Ireland -- The Power Of Hope

By Mal Fletcher, posted 10/05/2007

Virgina Tech Shootings: Preserving Life Vs Gun Rights

By Mal Fletcher, posted 18/04/2007

Easter Reflection: What Makes Jesus Unique?

By Mal Fletcher, posted 08/04/2007

Europe's Teen Alcohol Problem

By Mal Fletcher, posted 30/03/2007

Europe's 50th Birthday

By Mal Fletcher, posted 21/03/2007

PDA version   

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Edges Team: your work is outstanding! Your programs have already changed my view of evangelism. Thanks for Making God Famous TODAY!
Elena, Riga

I have just been put on to your website and just read your article about the London bombings. Thank you. I am going to be passing the site on to friends who I know want to hear a good, well written report.
Diane, UK

Thanks so much Mal and all the crew members of Next Wave international for your insights about life...
Michael Olowu, Nigeria

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