Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group which is
training organizations to engage the future & move society forward
in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher

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It Doesn't End With Anna Nicole: Now Celebrity Shapes Politics

By Mal Fletcher, posted 24/02/2007

The Sadness of Soap Opera Lives

By Mal Fletcher, posted 12/02/2007

Needed: A Place Of Healing

By Mal Fletcher , posted 08/02/2007

False Gospels On TV -- We Deserve Better

By Mal Fletcher, posted 12/01/2007

What Good Is Christmas?

By Mal Fletcher, posted 22/12/2006

'Wave & Pay' at Cashless London Olympics

By Mal Fletcher , posted 14/12/2006

Microchip Implants Vs Cash – The Race Is On

By Mal Fletcher, posted 01/12/2006

Youth Culture: It's Not All Teen Pregnancies And Binge Drinking

By Mal Fletcher, posted 21/11/2006

Ted Haggard -- Lessons For Christian Leaders

By Mal Fletcher, posted 04/11/2006

Muslim Complaints And The Victim Mentality

By Mal Fletcher, posted 24/10/2006

Head of British Army Questions ‘Multi-Faith’

By Mal Fletcher, posted 14/10/2006

9/11 -- Where's Our Passion?

By Mal Fletcher, posted 12/09/2006

More Security, Less Privacy

By Mal Fletcher, posted 01/09/2006

What Would Jesus Say To An Airport Terrorist?

By Mal Fletcher, posted 12/08/2006

Genetics: A Step Too Far?

By Mal Fletcher, posted 20/07/2006

PDA version   

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Should Sunday Trading Be Extended? Mal on BBC
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Are Churches Playing Big Brother? Mal on Premier Radio
Chips Under The Skin & Bio-Hacking - Mal on ABC Radio
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Your Feedback
Mal, you've inspired a new move of God in the arts, media, and all things cultural. Viva la revolution! We're taking over The World!
Phill, UK

I heard Mal speak at the Emerge Conference in Brisbane. Thanks for reminding us that Gen-Xers can create, build and mould the world NOW by being proactive rather than reactive.
Kabamba, Australia

Hi Mal, I thank God for your ministry gifting. I find your talks to be most relevant & refreshing. You challenge apathy & have your finger on the pulse of current world issues.
Christopher, United Kingdom

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