Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group which is
training organizations to engage the future & move society forward
in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher
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Radical Alternatives To UK Teen Pregnancy

Added 25 October 2006

GENERATIONS MasterClass England

Added 22 October 2006

Eagle Award For Youth Alive Pioneer

Added 19 October 2006

Jesus Church Oslo Seeks Euro Revolution

Added 19 October 2006

The Bible - Video On Demand

Added 27 September 2006

Riga Powers Ahead

Added 26 September 2006

Making God Famous in Russian

Added 08 September 2006

Hillsong Church Kiev -- Reinventing Church

Added 08 September 2006

Abundant Life Centre - New Breed Of British Church

Added 14 August 2006

RockNations Lives Up To Its Name

Added 14 August 2006

Faith Camp Major Breakthrough

Added 02 August 2006

Euro Church Planters Meet in Brighton

Added 30 July 2006

EDGES 06 Blog: Making A New Kind Of 'Christian' TV

Added 18 July 2006

New Files For Your iPod!

Added 18 July 2006

Paris Hillsong Church Rising Fast

Added 17 July 2006

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Your Feedback
I was reading 'Not My Fault'. As a pastor I read your articles with great interest -- very insightful. Thanks for your prophetic voice to this Post Modern Generation.
Anthony, Australia

I would pay any cost, and travel any distance to attend these MasterClasses! Absolutely essential material for any leader!
Jonathan, United Kingdom

It was a real blessing to have you with us in Norwich. You showed us an inspiring professional edge as an example of the greatness required for influence.
Owen, UK

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