Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is
training organizations to engage the future & move society forward
in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher
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Celebrity In The Church?

Added 05 July 2007

Why I Believe In God

Added 04 July 2007

Are You Happy In Your Working Life?

Added 03 July 2007

Next Wave SLC06 Leaders Forum On God TV

Added 03 July 2007

200 People Come To Faith over Weekend

Added 02 July 2007

EDGES Series 6 TV Schedules

Added 18 June 2007

Shaping Future Generations

Added 18 June 2007

Botox, Skin Peels and Anti-Ageing

Added 06 June 2007

Sex & Singleness: Special Mini-Doco

Added 02 June 2007

New Audio Files

Added 01 June 2007

Radical Leaders for London

Added 30 May 2007

The Genetics Revolution

Added 30 May 2007

Fuelling The Future

Added 30 May 2007

Want To Be A TV Researcher?

Added 15 May 2007

Mal On BBC 4 Radio

Added 14 May 2007

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Should Sunday Trading Be Extended? Mal on BBC
Racism vs Racial Identity - Mal on BBC
Are Churches Playing Big Brother? Mal on Premier Radio
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Your Feedback
MasterClass in Spain was a great experience for all. It was challenging and full of inspiration to seek excellence in every little way. MasterClass is a must in all diaries!
Tiziana, Spain

I accidentally came across your EDGES programme on Robotics whilst studying nanotechnology. I'm not Christian, but I want to compliment you on being much more scientific than I would have expected.

In the UK in 2008, the Church does not seem to do well on broadcast media. Yet it has important things to say. I want to thank you Mal for your forward-looking approach to sorting this out.
Alan, United Kingdom

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