Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is
training organizations to engage the future & move society forward
in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher
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A Producer's Blog

Behind The Scenes With Mal Fletcher

Most people watch a TV documentary or magazine programme and think, 'Great show... What's next?' But for the producer and his/her team, making high-content, quality programmes is a way of life. Here's a look behind the scenes, as one successful (but part-time) producer keeps all the balls in the air...


December 12: Get a SNEAK PREVIEW of the EDGES Series 6 Station Promo #1 (will be used by TV stations to promote EDGES series 6 early in 07): High or Low quality (WMV vid stream).
December 11: Planning continues for the next in our series of interviews with future researchers, for inclusion in EDGES series 7 (produced in 2007) & for release as a stand-alone series. Next interviewee: Winkie Pratney, one of the modern church's most insightful thinkers.
December 8: Today, we emailed the various EDGES broadcasters around the world notifying them of the availability of the new series from Feb 2007. So, it's now just a matter of keeping our editorial deadline (Jan 1st). Also sent them access to the first of 2 station promo's for the new series. Part of the package we offer them.
December 7: Many emails/texts flying b/n me and the director over the past few days as we put together the final voice-overs and so on and I get to see the first drafts of various edited segments of the shows. Looking very good!!
December 2: Davina and I are in Arhus Denmark, where I'm speaking for a friend, but final MOL segments, produced in the UK, were uploaded to our editor's server. So, we've basically collected all of the production materials for series 6...
November 28: Well, a lot has been happening with EDGES in the past couple of weeks. All of the MOL segments from both Australia and Spain are now in Denmark and being slotted into the offline edit by director Tina Meyer. Meanwhile, the team at Vivid Broadcast in the UK are working on the final 3 MOL segments and I'll be viewing the first of those in the next day or so. Last week, we also launched the EdgesTV Channel on the ubiquitous YouTube. It's already attracting some good interest. We'd love to get your feedback on some of the clips, which feature great interviews and much more. More voice overs to do now, so must be off....


November 27: Just a note re a new programme coming to UK's BSkyB platform soon. Earlier this year, I hosted our annual summit for church network leaders in Spain. Europe2020 drew invited leaders from 20 nations to discuss what Europe might look like in the year 2020, and what kind of church would have influence by then. God TV in the UK sent a crew to film and they're finishing off a series of six programmes on the summit, with introductions by yours truly. More on that later...
November 7: Re-edits of MOL segments from Australia are now finished and I think they're excellent. A great effort from Simon Malcolm of Memoramedia and his assistants including Caleb Sutherland. Looking forward to seeing them en route to Denmark for insertion in the show...
November 3: The two Meaning of Life (MOL) segments shot in Spain by Howard King of HK International are now winging their way to Denmark for insertion into the offline edit of the programmes. They're looking good, with great interview subjects and very sharp content.
October 23-27: 23rd was my birthday and my wife Davina and I took a half day off together. While I'm busy on other things, the rest of the week has seen more progress in DK with the offline edit and almost final versions of Meaning of Life (MOL) segments have now been checked online and are almost ready for mailing. I'm also very pleased that I think our friends at Vivid Broadcast in the UK will be doing the three last MOL segments over the next month. I know they'll present us with something excellent.
October 20-21: Over these two days we're running one of our popular GENERATIONS MasterClass events for leaders in the south of England. It's a great turnout, with more than 130 church, business and other leaders booked in for the intensive day and a half of teaching. Some have come from 4 hours away. (Ed: read a full report on this: click here).
October 17-19: While I'm travelling around, Tina continues to oversee the offline edit in Bornholm, Denmark. I have now made the decision to do both offline and online edit at the same place, to save time in re-batching and so on which would have occurred with the earlier plan to do the final edit in the UK.
October 15-16: I'm visiting Oslo, capital of Norway, to speak at Jesus' Church, right in the middle of downtown, and then train students at the Jesus Revolution centre -- students have come from all over Europe. (Ed: Click here to read a follow-up news report.)
October 10-14: The offline editing process continues in Denmark, under director Tina Kornbek Meyer. Meanwhile, more edits and re-edits of the Meaning of Life segments, coming in thick and fast from our various Unit Producers in Europe and Australia. These segments are shaping up really well and I think viewers are going to find them very inspiring and intriguing.


October 5: An excellent day's shooting for the programme on 'The Rise of Rage'. Ours is a world of social alienation and many experts say that road rage, PC-rage, airline rage etc are on the rise across our society. What can be done? We shot all of the pieces to camera (2000 words -- 11-12 minutes of finished film) in just 2 hours -- an alltime record for us I think. Most pieces were in one take. Very good. Locations around Copenhagen's Osterport Station area. Followed up with some pieces for broadcaster promo's and videos for prospective EDGES Club25 members. Now in the airport en route back to London...
October 4: Today we shot for 'The Anti-Ageing Industry' (watch videophone clip here), looking at how we should approach the subject of ageing in this era of plastic-surgery on demand... Again, very good shoot which took just a few hours. The major locations were around one of Copenhagen's most beautiful gardens -- which attracts people from the very young to the very old (so great backgrounds). Our unit producer in Spain, Howard King, informs me that he will be filming this Friday in Gibraltar for 'The Cashless Society.'
October 3: Filming today stand-up pieces for 'The Cashless Society'. In this world of super-miniature computer chips and one-card-does-everything credit, what does the future hold for good old-fashioned cash? Shot in various locations around Copenhagen, including city centre, a new international business compound and more... A smooth shoot without any weather hitches.
October 2: Arrived last night in Copenhagen for four days of filming pieces-to-camera. Today, dodging wind, rain and slightly chilly weather, Tina K. Meyer (director, camera), Jacob (sound, today's prod assistant) and myself filmed for 'Fuelling The Future'. The shoot went very smoothly, despite the weather, and most of the pieces were filmed either with a first-take (always a great feeling), or within two or three attempts. Given the weather, it was a good day for talking about renewable energy supplies such as wind, wave and solar power. Some great shots of gas-refineries and huge wind turbines in the background, too.


September 25-27: More constant revision of the final scripts, plus memorization... Alongside that, there are challenges with the offline edit which has been held up by computer problems in Denmark, as well as problems for one of our unit producers. We'll have to work very hard to get these shows completely in the can before the end of November, which is the goal. (Prayers would be appreciated). On Sunday I leave for Copenhagen for shooting over four days.
September 22-24: Speaking in Riga Latvia, where we're running a MasterClass on Generations, for church leaders across the city. It's a lovely city -- especially the old section. It is growing rapidly in every way, with new opportunities in every sphere of life and business. A great opportunity for forward-thinking churches. My translator this weekend is a movie producer... (For more, click here.)
September 21: Received a web preview today an excellent six minute piece for the Meaning of Life segment in the show 'Celebrity and Branding'. Well shot, a good subject and edited with good rhythm, in the EDGES style. Well done to our Aussie unit producers, Simon and Caleb...
September 20: After a flying 2-day visit to Nice in the south of France with my wife Davina, I'm back polishing off scripts today, as I start to memorize them. I have to cram more than 9000 words into my head before we film my next pieces to camera in the first week of October. It's an arduous task, but there are no shortcuts. We strive for excellence with EDGES -- something great that is honouring to God and attractive to our audience.
September 13-14: A lot or scripting today. These are big issues (e.g. Fuelling the Future, The Cashless Society) and to do them justice, I must spend hours poring over research material. Each subject must then be boiled down to just 11 minutes of talk within the programme. The art of writing is definitely knowing what to leave out...
September 12: Not much script-writing today, as I'm busy with some scripts for BBC Radio's Prayer for the Day. Meantime, Simon Malcolm and Caleb Sutherland in Australia continue to push ahead with the four Meaning of Life segments they're shooting and producing in Australia. We have, among others, interviews with a new Aussie music celebrity (for the Celeb show) and an officer in the Armed Services (for Warfare). Awaiting reports from two new prospective Unit Producers -- in Spain and Kiev.
September 6-8: Just back from a very powerful visit to Hillsong Church in Kiev (click here to read more). Also, my book Making God Famous was released this week in Russian (click here). Writing scripts for the final four programmes (see last entry), using research from our assistants mixed of course with my own. We've just discovered that we're going to have to postpone filming of the standups, which was to take place next week. A huge international conference completely booked all hotels in and around Copenhagen -- plus all the major flights. Very unusual, but that's life! Now, it is re-scheduled for Oct 2-5. One challenge: finding the right camera for our new shooting schedule.
September 1: After 2 weeks holiday, I'm now en route to Kiev in the Ukraine. Tina has informed me that offline edit is now underway for the five programmes we shot in July. We have some holdups with some of our Unit Producers, but I'm hoping that we can move forward quickly on the Meaning of Life spots they're working on. Over the next few days, in between speaking at sessions for Hillsong Church Kiev, I will be writing new scripts for series 6 on issues including The Cashless Society, The Anti-Ageing Industry and Fuelling the Future. A big job to finish these before we go into filming the standups for those shows starting Sept 11 in Copenhagen.
August 15: Our unit producers continue to go forward, especially those in Australia. Caleb Sutherland and Simon Malcolm (both in Adelaide) report that they have finished a very good Meaning of Life interview with a young celebrity popstar re the challenges/pitfalls of celebrity, for our Branding and Celebrity programme. Good to have this input from different regions of the world. Meanwhile, director Tina Kornbek Meyer continues to shoot background videography and will shortly commence offline edit for the first five shows off the 'production line'.
August 13: Today, I'm been speaking at Abundant Life Centre in Bradford, UK, having just finished the outstanding RockNations conference (you'll be able to hear/download some of my sessions via the audio section of this website soon). Just received word that the broadcast of EDGES on the new Turkish satellite station should commence October 1. This is ground-breaking. Please pray for a favourable response.
August 10-11: The deadline is reached for the submission of material from our research group. The material I'm receiving is for the most part very good and, along with our own research, will help provide a solid base for the scripts to come. I'm glad that we're able to give some gifted researchers an opportunity to use their God-given skills for a global evangelism project like this. They will see the fruit of their work in the shows -- though we may not see this side of eternity the fruit in the lives of our viewers.
August 8: This morning, with the help of our good friend Andrew Hale in Australia, we were able to solve a problem re uploading more content to our site. Check out the programme on 'The Bible' -- I think it's one of the best in series 5. Today, I also checked out the EDGES programmes showing on the Premier TV site. This new venture is hosted by London's Premier Radio. EDGES features prominently in the 'Current Affairs' section, as well as in the 'live' playlist. This is the first time an established UK broadcaster has offered Video on Demand. It's worth remembering, though, that our EDGES Website was offering VOD years ago -- long before VOD was much talked about!
August 7: More news from some of our Unit Producers today, outlining some of the plans they have for the Meaning of Life segments. They are working hard already. I'm really looking forward to seeing their six-minute segments about Christians who have influence in specific areas related to our topics. (Check out the MOL segments in some of our earlier programmes at Sadly, a couple of our potential producers have had to decline the offer to part of this series, for time reasons -- although, in each case reluctantly. Each producer we've approached has said they felt honoured to be asked. We'll continue to offer this opportunity to people we believe 'have the goods' -- particularly to those who, though gifted, haven't had much opportunity in broadcast TV before.


August 5-6: More research today at my end, especially on the Christian responses to the issues we're covering. The web is now an invaluable source, as are my ever growing collection of magazines and newspaper cuttings. I'm indebted to authors like John Stott and others whose work over many years on social issues is often helpful (see our Recommended Reading section at We await other material from our research team. If you'd like to volunteer as an EDGES researcher -- with credit for the material we use in the show -- visit
August 3: Another phase of research and writing commences today. We have a small group of selected researchers working in a few regions of the world, on material which will be included in my standups that form the basis for the show. We have four subjects to cover in our next shoot in September and, as I am technically on holidays for two weeks, starting August 15, we have a lot to do in the next week or so. This week, I also have yet another major conference to speak at, Rock Nations in Bradford, UK, plus Paul Scanlon's Abundant Life Church, so it's tight on the writing front. The research deadline is Aug 10.


August 2: More communication with Unit Producers in other parts of the world, and with researchers. One of our prospective Unit Producers (in USA) has had to pull out due to other media commitments, but we now have 3 onboard (Aust x2, Spain) and await confirmation from 3 others (USA, UK x2). Deadlines are tight but we're praying that each person will be able to fulfill their part of the project on time. Have authorised today another 2-days of shooting by our director, Tina Kornbek Meyer, in Copenhagen -- background shots mainly. Meanwhile, I continue to meet first-hand people who have been watching EDGES for a long while and appreciate it. We still need a handful more churches to join EDGES Club25, to help us underwrite costs of this project. Please pray -- and perhaps recommend to your pastor? A small investment to speak to potentially millions of people about the Christian faith and its values.
July 30-August 1: Have spent these days speaking at one of Britain's major summer conferences, the 6000-strong Faith Camp, on the large showgrounds at Peterborough. Very powerful sessions, especially my last on Monday evening. MP3 files will be uploaded to this site soon. A few days before, a Europe-wide conference held in Brighton, with church planters from across Europe: again, a great response. While on the road, my production work continues with emails going back and forth with prospective researchers and our director. They have a deadline of August 10 to provide material on the shows still to be shot and I'm sure that a number of them will come through. These volunteers are a major blessing. Nothing in mission can be done without commitment, passion and a willingness to 'go the extra mile' -- that is the spirit that should epitomize the Kingdom of God.
July 28-29: Emails have gone out to people we'd like to have involved with research for the next four programmes, the standups for which must be written by the first week of September. It's a quick turn around. These people have all expressed an interest in the past and some have done work for us before, so hopefully we will get a positive response and can move quickly. Gave one of our unit producers, Simon Malcolm (MemoraMedia, Australia) instructions re the Meaning of Life segment in two of the shows. Also began auditions process to find a new voice-over artist (or two) for the series. Voice-Over work is a speciality and each different genre of programme requires a slightly different approach. Also listened to a new track which may feature alongside existing EDGES music. Finished editing a special 'Thank You' vid clip to go to those who have helped by joining EDGES Club25.
July 22-23: We've just made some important additions to the Recommended Reading section of this website. If you're reading this blog, you obviously have an interest in media and I encourage you to take a look at the 'Media and Communication' category of the reading section. There's a stack of helpful material there, for both the expert and the novice. Every book is recommended by me for its content and relevance.
July 21: Letter of approach has gone out to the potential Unit Producers, asking for their involvement in this series. We particularly want them to produce stories for the Meaning of Life segment, which features a Christian person who has gained influence in a particular field. These segments will be tied into the topic of each show, yet they're capable of standing alone as 5 minute stories on people and their involvement with the real world. The people we've approached work in Australia, Spain and the USA. This will help extend EDGES global feel even further. We await replies. Also today, downloaded a short 'thank you' piece we filmed to express our appreciation to those people and ministries helping us via EDGES Club 25. (See a pic from our shoot last week: click here.)
July 20: Important phone conference today with my director, Tina Meyer, to decide the elements from our pilot which will actually find their way into the entire new series. The series will include: presenter standups (naturally...), vox pops, expert interviews (esp futurist Patrick Dixon), videography, screen texts, meaning of life. The latter will be shot by Unit Producers working in Australia, UK, USA and parts of Europe (that's the plan anyway). Next step: juggling the unit producers so that they are able to fit in with our filming requirements, style and deadlines...
July 18: Arrived back home last night and this morning, among other admin, reviewed progress of EDGES Club 25, the initiative we launched at the SLC leadership event in May to help raise some of the budget for the series. Some new pledge have come in during the past 2 weeks. We now have 19 of the 25 church networks we are aiming for, which is very good. Need to see pledges fulfilled, though, and those extras coming in. Of course, this doesn't cover entire budget, but does help a lot. TV eats money -- and it's rare for Christians to be spending good money on production rather than broadcast (we don't pay for broadcast anywhere, on principle). Club25 also gives me the chance to involve friends who lead great churches.


PS for the techies: Camera we've been using this week: Sony PDW 530 XDCam (PAL), a harddisk camera with high setting that allows digital beta quality. Excellent shots with or without tripod (esp with gifted videographer like Tina...). For the vox pops, shot earlier, we used the trusty Canon XL1.
July 14: This is the final strait for this week. Couldn't handle another day right now, but I know that this is going to be a very good one. Subject is Generations in Conflict. Our sound recordist is sick today, so we've called on a last-minute replacement named Joakim, to act as prod assistant. He's young but has a great attitude. We shoot in and around the streets of the city, and use the grounds of a very historical church. I think we've shot a good programme again. Tina is delighted with her viewing of the 'rushes' for the week. By 2pm we're done -- quite a fast day. I'm going home to sleep, then perhaps some jazz...? (Watch Video Phone Clip).
July 13: Today we film The Climate of Fear, a show looking at the reasons people live against a backdrop of fear -- and how our collective fears are often manipulated for gain, power etc. Start at new MetroStation near Frederisberg, just outside Cph centre. Great backdrop for parts of script dealing with effects of terrorism. Later, new location at major student and shopping plaza which will host some of acts at this week's Copenhagen Jazz Festival (no, I didn't choose this week for that reason -- but it's a nice bonus!). No time for music today though. Very hot. Very tired at 2:30pm when we wrap for the day.
July 12: Start today (as each day) with revision of script, with final memorization. In our MasterClasses on Communication, have always taught the adage that those who make it look easy have worked the hardest. Living that again today. By 10:30am, make-up is done, setup complete and we're filming for Branding and Celebrity, using several excellent locations, including a house belonging to relative of Tina Kornbek Meyer (director) -- very upmarket home, could easily belong to a celeb -- plus a beautiful yacht marina, home of the rich and famous. Final location is downtown Lyngby, a major centre not far from Copenhagen centre. Great for 'Sale' backdrops. Finished at 2:30pm and ready for another very early night...
July 11: Shooting starts at 10am, for Genetics. We start inside city centre (copenhagen). Like yesterday quite hot (approx 30 C) and very humid, as this city often is in summer. Very warm standing under the sun all day. But great light for filming. A good day's shoot, with another quite difficult subject in the can, at least from the stand-up's point of view. Back home by 4pm and already refreshing on tomorrow's script (but ready to hit the sack by 9pm).
July 10: Early morning flight out of Heathrow for Copenhagen. Arrive Copenhagen at 9am after 1hr, 30 minute flight. Meet up with Davina and Jade who've come in on another airline (ah, the joys of balancing flight miles etc). We hook up and take cab to rented apartment, where we will stay for next 7 days. Text messg from Director, Tina Meyer tells me where I must be by our starting time of 11:30am, so quick change of clothes and another cab heading for location #1, the new Opera House located on the edge of Copenhagen. We lived here for 9 yrs but left just before it was complete; it is an impressive structure (sometimes, the architect in me comes to the surface again). Filming begins for my standups on Warfare in the Age of Hi-Tech. Put this one in first because is quite technical at times. We shoot in several locations around the same region, using delapidated buildings and the like as backdrops. By 4pm it's a wrap. Haven't stopped for lunch. Linda (sound recordist), Tina and I ready to call it a day. I get home exhuasted. Very humid, hot and windy today!
July 9: Pack and final preparation for tomorrow's flight to Copenhagen for day 1 of shooting schedule. My wife, Davina and my youngest daughter Jade are joining me. That's rare for us, as most of my travel around the world is done on my own. As it is, they'll be having some time together and hardly seeing me for 5 days...


July 4-6: The serious, final strait for the writing process. Final tweaking of scripts and memorizing of the entire lot -- takes about one day per script, without interuptions (and that part is rare -- there's always something vying for the attention). At the end of the week, as is always the case, my head is over-full and I'm not up for much more mental work. Memorizing is done the old-fashioned way: I've already got a good feel for the text, given that I've written and re-written several times (still doing that now), but this is followed by constant reciting and linking lines one to the other in order. Laborious, but until someone invents a memory machine, the only way to do it right. (Oh, and I sometimes record a version early on, to listen to on my mp3 player. Rarely get the chance to actually listen to it though!
June 22-July 3: A break from writing while speaking at two events: a city-wide conference in northern Sweden and then a very packed weekend with Hillsong Church, London and Paris. Great results in both, especially Hillsong where 800 people are now in the new Paris church and more than 8000 in the London church. Very powerful sessions. God does great things.
June 7-9, 14-16, 19-21: More research and writing. Taking initial drafts (by now 3 for most programmes) and wittling down to approx 11-12 minutes of talk-time per programme (ie. approx 2050 words). This is very tiring work, but the better the writing the better the show. In the end, every successful form of communication comes down to writing: speeches, plays, movies, songs, poetry, etc... So, no shortcuts here. Just lots of hours in front of a PC, followed by many more with a printed copy and ballpoint pen for editing. Part day off from writing on Friday, as my son Grant is graduating from the European Baccalauriat programme (international high school). Off to study film at university now... (My eldest, Deanna, has a passion for radio and my youngest Jade is still deciding on her own path, I think!)
May 30-June 2: Have already chosen which of the remaining 9 programmes in the series are best to shoot first. We have set two dates for shooting my stand-ups which form the backbone of the show: July 10-14 and Sept. 11-14. I narrow the choice down to the following: Warfare in the Age of Hi-Tech, The Genetics Industry, Generations in Conflict, The Climate of Fear and Branding and Celebrity. Quite a bit of research has already been done (e.g. Generations, about which I've written two books in the past year), but a big job ahead. I want to undertake the major research on these first five, to establish what I want re the kind of info and the standard of research, before handing future subjects to research assistants. Always a big job to gather balanced and reputable material on each subject (cf comments in our Media and Sensationalism panel), knowing that the mountain of material will go through at least 3 drafts before it's ready for the 11-12 minutes of scripted delivery in a 30-minute programme.


May 22 Important phone call today with Tina Meyer, producer of earlier programmes. This followed on from two face-to-face meetings we held late last year (in Copenhagen) and earlier this year (in London). We discussed my plans for series 6 (s6), including the shape of the international team I've been working on over the past few months. The team includes unit producers from the UK, USA, Australia and Spain, who may work on elements of the programme assigned to them (e.g. expert interviews or meaning of life segments). Each is a gifted professional whom I trust and would like to encourage in their work by giving them this international TV stage. In this new series, major personnel are as followers:
  • Producer, Writer, Presenter: Myself (London)
  • Director, Camera, (Offline) Edit: Tina Kornbek Meyer (DK)
  • Online Edit & Other Post-Production: Rory Springthorpe/Stephen Montgomery, Vivid Broadcast (UK)
  • Sound: Various, tbc
  • Unit Producers: tbc (Aust, USA, UK, Southern Europe)
  • Research: tbc
    Vox Pops are already in the can for the complete series and graphic design has been set earlier with pilot.

    History & Background For This Blog:

    End 2002 - Early 2003: As EDGES is picked up by an increasing number of broadcasters worldwide, the team began to work on the pilot for series six. The plan is to sharpen the substance and production values of the show even more, and broaden its appeal beyond the traditionally Christian broadcast scene. Whilst EDGES has been seen on several highly regarded secular platforms, the major output has been via Christian TV. Mal: 'We pay credit to the pioneers of Christian TV outside of the USA, where the going has often been difficult. Our major concern is to speak where people listen -- and by no means a majority of people are tuned to Christian programming.'
    Early 2003: The pilot, on 'Crime and Punishment' is completed, with filming in both London and Copenhagen. Mal's stand-up pieces are shot on a now disused fort on an island off Copenhagen -- the fort looks like an old prison, with all the haunted, dark look you'd expect. The day was freezing, from start to finish, but you wouldn't know it from watching the finished pieces which featured excellent camera work from Tina and Rene Meyer and lighting from Henrik of Copenhagen Christian TV (KKR-TV), with production assistance from Andrew Hale. Watch a short clip from the pilot: click here for high or low quality.
    Mid 2004: Next Wave International, the organisation that produces EDGES, moves base from Copenhagen to London. The huge move takes careful logistical planning followed by careful execution, as a whole new company and charity arm need to be set up and new locations need to be found and set up. Production is put on hold until this long-winded process is complete. The move is made largely for reasons associated with building bridges into mainstream media, with an eye on speaking to a wider audience and helping future generations of Christians to break through into the secular marketplace.
    Early 2005: As the new set up continues, EDGES is awarded a People's Choice Award by the National Religious Broadcasters (NRB) conference, USA. This event, the largest gathering of Christians in media in the world, awards the 'Crime and Punishment' programme a second place in the documentary section. Meanwhile, discussions continue with BMC Advertising, a US-based company, to lift the profile of EDGES even further as well as pushing into new production territory. Mal researches and scripts the pilot for a new series looking at the real lives of Christian heroes of the past.
    Mid 2005 : With the London move now well and truly settled, the team looks further into production of series six of EDGES, while Mal develops good working relationships with a number of key players in the UK mainstream secular media market.
    Late 2005: Pre-production planning begins, as does preliminary research. It is decided to stick with the original list of topics that was drawn up in 2003.
    Early 2006: Research and writing commences for the new series, with most of this load falling on Mal. He is anxious to establish the tone and standard of content he wants for the new shows, before involved volunteers in research. (Throughout the past 3 years, applications have continued to come in from around the world for voluntary positions on the EDGES research team.) Meanwhile, discussions are held between NWI and several gifted professionals in different corners of the world who will act as Unit Producers in the new series, broadening even further the show's international flavour.
    Mid 2006: Logistical planning is finalised. Director, and Editors (offline and online) are appointed, with Mal operating as Producer and Exec Producer for this series. Alongside this planning, a team has been put together to plan the new Next Wave Media Workshop which will kick of early in 2007. This unique project, run by Next Wave International, will offer selected young producers the opportunity to learn from gifted professionals who are working at the edges of new media.
    Mid 2006: Some funding for the new series is already in place, but much more needs to be raised. EDGES Club 25 is launched at an International Strategic Leadership Consultation hosted by Mal in Spain. This high-level, invitation-only meeting brings together key church network leaders from 18 nations, mostly in Europe, for dicussions on 'Europe 2020': the likely shape of Europe in 15 years time and how the church can prepare now to shape its future. Club25 aims to enlist support from 25 churches or networks who will each give £500 toward basic production. At the launch, eleven pledges are received. See the full Club25 Brochure (pdf). Click here.
    2006: EDGES turns 10 years old!. Production of series one of EDGES began in 1996, as a collaboration between Next Wave International and Copenhagen Christian TV (KKR-TV), based on Mal's programme ideas and writing. From the second series on, production was completely under the control of NWI, but Mal still acknowledges with gratitude the confidence shown by KKR-TV in the beginning; they allowed EDGES to be lifted off paper and into a studio.

    Watch EDGES 6 Clip (Sampler) (WMV stream, 2 minutes). High or Low version.

    Watch EDGES programmes online at

    See the full Club25 Brochure (pdf). Click here.

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    As a local youth pastor and high school chaplain, I am constantly looking for resources and articles that ask prophetic questions and give Christ-centred answers. Your stuff hits the mark every time.
    Rob, Australia

    Mal, thankyou for provoking me to think more. Your ministry is giving people a real wake up call, provoking Christians to seriously think about how we ought to be responding to issues like celebrity.
    Kendal , United Kingdom

    Mal, I heard you speak at Hillsong London. It was awesome! I was saved on this very day last year and have been on fire for the Lord ever since. God bless
    Bianca, Australia

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