Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is training organizations to engage the future & move society forward in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher
These days, our lives are watched by cameras inside buildings, and on the street. Computer networks exchange information about us. Phone companies can track us through our mobile phones.
In a world like this, is there any such thing as real privacy?
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I think you asked the wrong question re climate change summit. The question is should it have been held? There are a lot more important issues they should have been discussing, e.g. people trafficking. Jen, Australia
A beautiful response to the Mike Gug story. Mal you are a champ; you put into words what I feel. There but for God's grace, go I... Lydiia, Australia
I want to congratulate Mal & the Edges team for excellent & uplifting material; it has meant so much for me in an age of God-less entertainment. Rikus, UK