Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is training organizations to engage the future & move society forward in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher
News about a racially inspired incident involving Chelsea football fans in Paris has raised again the question of whether racism is endemic in British society.
Is it surprising to read stories like this about British people? Is British society becoming more racist?
Mal Fletcher answered these and other questions in an interview today with BBC Radio's Mike Parr.
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I saw your EDGES programme today on tv about witchcraft. Thanks for being a divine appointment to remind me that God's word is the final word - witchcraft is against God, whatever form it comes in... Maggie, USA
I am an Italian pastor with a vision to plant churches in my nation. Please pray for me, my family and my church. God Bless You!
Saverio, Italy
Mal, I enjoyed the MasterClass this past weekend held at The Living Room in the USA. You spoke into my life & your words are a true blessing to me as a growing leader. Todd, United States