Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is training organizations to engage the future & move society forward in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher
French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo has just published its first edition after the tragic attacks in Paris.
The cover features another drawing of the Muslim Prophet Muhammed. Is this inflammatory? Should other media and press outlets republish the cover? What is the balance between freedom of expression and exercising restraint in the immediate wake of a tragedy?
Mal Fletcher answered these questions and more in an interview with BBC Radio's Mike Parr.
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I was quite surprised to see the EDGES website - a human-transparent site with an inclination towards God. I really like the way you are posting your brilliant reports about issues. Keep up your good work. Pavel, Russia
Hi Mal, you recently preached at our Sunday service at Rhema Bible Church in Joburg, South Africa. You preached God's word with such simplicity and I left church feeling really inspired. It's been a blessing going through the articles on this site. Elaine, South Africa
God is true to His word. [Recently] it seemed as though I faced an entire mountain range. A friend blessed me with the Next Wave site. God bless you Mal and all the saints who knit your ministry together. On to massive revival in Europe. Robert, Germany