Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group which is
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Is CCTV A Threat to Privacy? Mal on LBC Radio

Added 22 December 2014 View full list    Print version    
As more and more people incorporate CCTV camera systems into their home security, questions are being asked about whether this technology is becoming more intrusive.

London already has the highest number of CCTV units per capita of any major city in Europe. Has CCTV gone too far? What does this mean for personal privacy? What should be done if a neighbour encroaches on personal space using CCTV?

Mal Fletcher, social commentator, discussed all of these questions in an interview with LBC Radio's Larry Lamb in London.

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Mal, I'm preparing for Sunday youth service here in Germany, on 'Honour your parents'. I´ll never forget your article 'What Every Teenager Should Know About Their Parents'. Helped me to understand mine better...
Christian Staudinger, Germany

I've just finished watching your EDGES program about morals. I really enjoyed it, I feel morals are constantly being eroded away...God created sex for marriage, it's not a toy for exploitation by the media ...Keep up the good work.
Mario, Australia

Mal, I have been so blessed by your teaching. Your book 'Making God Famous' is just great.
Jan, Norway

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