Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group which is
training organizations to engage the future & move society forward
in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher

EDGES Bound For Radio!

Added 12 September 2007 View full list    Print version    
radioHere's great news for all fans of radio!

Next Wave International has announced the launch of a new production of EDGES with Mal Fletcher for radio.

For more than 10 years, the award-winning EDGES TV programmes have been impressing and equipping audiences around the world with up-to-date Christian worldview perspectives on the hot issues of our time.

Many Christian producers consider EDGES to be truly groundbreaking and ahead of its time -- and producers in the secular mainstream have often commented on the excellence of production values in the series.

After many requests from radio stations for an EDGES radio show, Mal and his team will begin producing a pilot and first series for radio from September 25.

The first series of 10 programmes, which should be ready for release in early 2008, will feature topics covered in some of the most popular TV shows.

Mal Fletcher says, 'We believe that the content of EDGES will translate very well to the medium of radio, as it is based primarily on interesting comment and interviews. I've have always believed in the power of radio -- it remains one of the most impacting of the world's media today. We are hoping that programmers will contact us to express their interest in these 30 minute programmes.'

For more information, 'stay tuned' to

NOTE: If you are a radio programmer and would like updated information as production unfolds, please send an e-mail to:

Keywords: EDGES | EDGES with Mal Fletcher | Mal Fletcher | Next Wave International | radio

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I have listened to several of the messages available on your website (thank you for making them accessible). They have revealed, expanded, and confirmed things in my heart and as a result I am much stronger as a Pastor and Leader.
Chris, USA

It was a real blessing to have you with us in Norwich. You showed us an inspiring professional edge as an example of the greatness required for influence.
Owen, UK

A beautiful response to the Mike Gug story. Mal you are a champ; you put into words what I feel. There but for God's grace, go I...
Lydiia, Australia

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