Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group which is
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in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher

Is British Society Becoming More Racist?

Mal Fletcher on BBC Radio
Added 19 February 2015
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News about a racially inspired incident involving Chelsea football fans in Paris has raised again the question of whether racism is endemic in British society.

Is it surprising to read stories like this about British people? Is British society becoming more racist?

Mal Fletcher answered these and other questions in this interview with BBC Radio's Mike Parr.

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Your Feedback
Hey Mal, I'm in Melbourne & grabbed your book Making God Famous. I was inspired as you told the story of leaving Youth Alive & going to Europe. People who maintain their passion are an encouragement to us all.
Gerry, Australia

Mal, the Lord gives you deep and important insights into many current issues. Thanks for being faithful to him.

Passion: I think it flew out the window the moment political correctnes reared its ugly head! So much in the world today is bland and lacking in intensity but I don't want to calm down!
Ann, Australia

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