Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group which is
training organizations to engage the future & move society forward
in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher

Category: Christian Living

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The Stig: Who Is That Masked Man?
What Top Gear Can Teach Us About Christian Life

By Mal Fletcher, added 02/09/2010
Category: Christian Living

Dealing With Distraction & Temptation
Keeping The Right Focus

By Mal Fletcher, added 28/08/2008
Category: Christian Living

Alienate & Integrate
Babylon's Strategy

By Mal Fletcher, added 21/02/2007
Category: Christian Living

A New Year's Reflection

By Mal Fletcher, added 19/12/2006
Category: Christian Living

Holding Onto Your Identity

By Mal Fletcher, added 02/10/2006
Category: Christian Living

Mastering Your Imagination
Attracting The Favour Of God

By Mal Fletcher, added 14/09/2006
Category: Christian Living

Vision: Don't Be Distracted
Realise The Importance Of The Work

By Mal Fletcher, added 21/02/2006
Category: Christian Living

Facing The Year With Boldness
Developing Attitoood!

By Mal Fletcher, added 31/12/2005
Category: Christian Living

Sharing Your Faith This Christmas

By Mal Fletcher, added 16/12/2005
Category: Christian Living

Gen-X: On A Quest
Excerpt from 'The Future is X', the new book by Mal Fletcher

By Mal Fletcher, added 05/09/2005
Category: Christian Living

Gen-X: On A Quest
Excerpt from 'The Future is X', the new book by Mal Fletcher

By Mal Fletcher, added 05/09/2005
Category: Christian Living

A Generation Which Refuses To Be Ignored!
Excerpt from 'The Future is X', the new book by Mal Fletcher

By Mal Fletcher, added 19/07/2005
Category: Christian Living

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Your Feedback
Hey, thanks for the great articles, it is a blessing to read you
Paul, Norway

Mal, thanks for sacrificing your spare time to visit us at Newcastle CLC! Your insight into our current culture & your passion for acting upon the calling of Christ on our lives has inspired a young church in one of the best parts of Europe!
David Wright, United Kingdom

Mal, did you start out as a journalist? You are one of the most naturally gifted writers whose works I have had the pleasure of reading. I just love your succinct way of delivering words that paint a captivating picture.
Jim, Australia

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