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Being A Person Of Vision

Mal Fletcher
Added 02 February 2000
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Many people today understand the importance of Vision.
- Vision has been defined as, 'the ability to perceive what is not visible to the naked eye' (Macquarie Dictionary)
- Helen Keller: 'the saddest thing is to have your sight yet have no vision'
- Henry Ford: 'the poor man is not the man without a cent, he is the one without a dream'

Vision is a buzz word in business circles today:
- Ted Turner: started CNN to 'bring world peace'
- Coke: wanted to put a can in the hand of every person on earth by 2000

For a Christian, vision is much more than a buzz word:
i) What keeps us alive
- Matt 4:4: 'every word' (Greek: rhema: revelation word, a word by which God uncovers his nature/character and his will)
ii) What gives our lives focus
- Prov. 29:18: 'without revelation the people cast off restraint' (Living Bible: the people 'run amok'): like horses pulling in many directions at once.
- Many people look at all the needs around them and are overwhelmed by them. They quickly decide that there are too many needs for them to meet. Then they say to themselves, 'I can never be effective', and settle back into passive living. Or they try to do too much and burn out.
- Need should never be our first motivator - we should be shaped first by vision.
- Jesus said he was motivated by vision, not need alone. He said, 'I do what I see my Father doing.'

Godly vision is much more than setting goals. What is spiritual vision?
- God setting the priorities of my life in line with his character and his purposes.
- 2 Chron. 16:9: God is looking for those whose lives are 'shalem' (in line) with him:

How do I become a person of vision? You must have:

1. A Kingdom mentality
- Goals are about self-fulfillment, but Vision always carries implications for much more: it is about the Kingdom
- Matt 6:33 'seek first the Kingdom. Seek = 'look for'. This is a vision word! Our vision must be for the Kingdom first, and not just for narrow self interests.
- What is the Kingdom of God?
- Where God's will is done on earth as in heaven: i.e. out of love (not fear) and without question
- Where the love of Christ is redeeming and transforming everything it touches
- Where people with changed hearts are changing the world around them
- Jesus' first priority: he talked more about the kingdom even than the church.

- In whatever area we need new direction, we must decide to put the kingdom first, and everything will be added
- E.g. Need vision for finances: start tithing!
- E.g. Need vision for a relationship: start fellowshipping!

2. A risk-taking attitude
- commitment to obey what you don't understand
- Vision is not always understand when it is first given: The world says: 'hear, understand, then do,' but God says, 'hear, do, then understand (maybe).'
- Isaiah didn't fully understand chapter 53 (suffering Messiah)!
- Daniel didn't understand chapters 9-12 (the end times)!
- Joel didn't understand chapter 2 (outpouring of the Spirit on all flesh)!

- We must obey even if we cannot control the outcome, or see the result.
- Abraham obeyed God's command to sacrifice Isaac because he 'had received the promise' (Hebrews 11)
- Vision is a form of promise, a picture of what the future will be like if we obey
- But, according to Heb. 11, promises must be 'obtained': we must take a risk to stand on promise

3. A hunger for revelation
- The source of all godly vision is God:
- Prov. 3:5 'do not rely on your own insight or understanding' (AMP)
- Goals begin with Motivation, but Vision begins with Revelation: God 'uncovers' part of his character and asks you to live that out.
- The first thing God reveals is always his nature. He gives subjective revelation (about his character) before he gives objective revelation (about some problem or decision we face). However, we normally ask with the opposite order in mind.
- Matt 6:33: '...and his righteousness' (or, 'what is pleasing to him', or, 'what is in line with his character').
- Jer. : 'if anyone wants to boast, let him boast in this: that he knows and understands me, says the Lord.'
- God uses supernatural events in my life to shape vision.
- E.g. through: prophecy, prayer, Bible study, fellowship, healing, the impact of good leaders etc
- Record the promises (make a note of them); rehearse the promises (say them to yourself and to God, in prayer); receive the promises (by making room to accommodate them)

4. A clean spirit
- Joseph was a man blessed with great vision because, though mistreated by his brothers and his employer, he made the decision to keep a right spirit before God. He forgave his brothers, seeing their deeds as something God had used for his good. What his brothers meant for evil, 'God meant for good.'
- Vindictiveness takes the space within you that should be occupied by Vision
- Bitterness gives control of your heart to someone other than God!

5. A heart that wants to be changed, to grow
- Vision is always redemptive: it brings back to us something of the divine nature we lost at the fall: changes you!
- Prov. 14:12 'there is a way that seems right to a man (AMP: and appears straight before him)'. Vision calls us to line up with God's ways.
- You can shape your goals, but vision shapes you.
- Cf. Saul the Pharisee had clear goals re. what he wanted to do in life (to the church!) But Paul the apostle was captured by a vision, one that he could not escape despite what it cost him.

6. A willingness to make decisions
- God's vision is a design but not a blueprint (working drawings): you must help fill in the details through your decisions
- God's plan is the football field, but once on it you must make choices re how to play the ball!
- You are a product of your choices
- Victor Frankl: the last freedom we can lose is the ability to choose how we respond to what others do to us.

7. A spirit of excellence
- Excellence is a generous spirit which pushes us beyond what is normal, or expected.
- 2 Cor. 9:8-11: God increases his investment in those who invest what they have.
- Vision always seeks a practical outlet to meet needs.

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I take much so interest in your Next Wave monthly e-news. Thanks a lot.
Salai Thaung Mang, Myanmar

Mal, I just wanted to say a huge THANK YOU for your wisdom & grace in writing the article on why Christian leaders sometimes fail. I'm sure it has helped many people to be able to answer questions from others...
Margaret, South Africa

I want to congratulate Mal and the Edges team for excellent and uplifting material; it has meant so much for me... Thanks all!
Rikus, UK

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