Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is
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T.L. Osborne and Mal Fletcher in L.A.

Added Friday, November 23, 2001 View full list    Print version    
'I am priviledged to speak in major conferences in many parts of the world,' said Mal Fletcher recently. 'But there are only a few places where you feel so completely at home that you could live there!'

Cottonwood Christian Centre is one such place.

This great church of over 7000 people is led by Bayless Conley, a man well known in many parts of the world for his weekly broadcasts on NBC TV. Bayless heads a great team of committed leaders, all of whom have a passion for not just a nation but the world. Cottonwood is already investing large sums of money and people resources into works in several regions of the world -- including Europe.

Mal spoke for the second consecutive year that the 'Outpouring' Conference sponsored by Cottonwood, alongside T.L. Osborne, Randy Morrison and Bayless Conley.

'Speaking alongside T. L. Osborne was definitely a highlight for me,' Mal reported. 'He has being preaching to the masses in over 80 nations for 56 years now. Despite his 78 years, he is full of passion and has a message very relevant to the times. I told him, "If I can even walk when I'm your age, I'll be pleased, let alone be doing what you're doing in the world!"'

For more information on this great church, go to:
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The Daily Recharge has really changed my life!
Nosi Mayan, South Africa

Mal, you and your team are doing an amazing job! It is a privilege to know you! Bless you and your family...
Mark & Tammy, Canada

Mal, I saw you at Hillsong London and since then have visited your site a few times. Really enjoy your work. Very useful insights and content.
Bernard, UK

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