Hillsong Kiev: 'Amazing Growth'
Kiev, the capital of the Ukraine, is moving ever closer to Western values and practices.
Given that it spent 70 years under Communist rule until 1989, the pace of change in many areas has been rapid. There is still much to be done, politically, economically and socially, before the Ukraine will match Western standards and values.
But the people – especially younger people – are hungry to move forward on all fronts as quickly as possible.
Kiev came to world attention again recently with the so-called “Orange rRvolution” in which the regime of the former president was swept from power and a new group installed. The road ahead is still rocky, but that will to win in the end is still strong.
In the midst of all this, the Hillsong Church, Kiev has made a remarkable start in changing the future of the city, by reaching out to its younger people.
Mal Fletcher recently visited the Hillsong Church for the second time. When he spoke there three years ago, he found a church which, after just a few years, already had 1500 people in its membership.
Today, the church numbers more than 3000, with between 40 and 60 people making commitments to Christ every week.
Since the beginning of 2005 alone, more than 2500 people have become Christians through the church.
Mal spoke at the Hillsong Kiev conference, which drew together 1200 people, including leaders from across the Ukraine and beyond.
He said after the event, ‘The last time I visited the church, I came away very moved by what I had seen.’
‘I thought it wasn’t possible to be any more impressed with the church that I was then. I was wrong!’
‘What I saw this time really got to me. To think that this amazing church – which would be lauded anywhere in the world – could be growing in a city like Kiev … that’s a God thing.’
‘This is one of the most truly generational churches I have seen in the world over the past few years.’
‘To change the future of the city we must invest in those who can carry a new culture into tomorrow – Hillsong, Kiev is doing just that, better than most in the west!’
Mal added: ‘The church feels like its sister church in London: in terms of style and the passionate vibe of the meetings. This church is perhaps even younger in its core membership.’
‘To see so many young Gen-Xers and even more Millennials passionately serving God in a once communist country – that is just amazing.’
The pastors of the church, Pastors Zhenya and Vera Kasevitch, are good friends with Mal and Davina Fletcher. The church is part of the Hillsong group of churches, founded by Pastor Brian and Bobby Houston in Sydney.
Mal concludes: ‘I urge all of our friends and certainly our alliance partners to pray for Pastor Zhenya and Vera. This work is really set up to make God famous, to prove what he can do, right where people say it can’t be done.”
For more on Hillsong Kiev and its many activities, go to: www.hillsong.com.ua.
Next Wave International, in association with Hillson, Kiev, will launch the first Communication and Media MasterClass in the city during 2006.
Watch our Masterclass website for more.
Keywords: news | Kiev | orange revolution | Ukraine | Zhenya Kasevitch | Vera Kasevitch | Hillsong | Brian Houston | Bobby Houston | Mal Fletcher | MasterClass | Next Wave International
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Hi Mal. I heard you last week on the radio when I was at work here in Amsterdam! Fun to hear your voice.
Jolanda, Netherlands
Mal, I have been so blessed by your teaching. Your book 'Making God Famous' is just great.
Jan, Norway
Your message re sex & abstinence just reinstated things that I believe and I'm thankful that I'm not alone or 'archaic' in my views.
Kalai, United Kingdom
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