Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is
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MasterClass in Riga, the 'new Zurich'

Added Wednesday, September 28, 2005 View full list    Print version    
Riga, Latvia is a city on the move.

Recently admitted into the EU group of nations, Latvia is moving ahead quickly to catch up with Western European standards economically and socially.

For some people, especially in the capital, change is coming too quickly, causing stress and distress.

Many of the city’s charismatic and evangelical churches, however, see this as a time of great opportunity for the Christian faith, as people seek solid foundations for life.

In September, Next Wave International’s Communication and Media MasterClass came to Riga. Hosting the event, Pastor Andrey Chebotarev of Good News Christian Centre, said: ‘We see MasterClass as a unique opportunity to help raise the level of excellence and understanding among the city’s churches.’

‘This event helps us to understand the changes around us and to prepare for influence.’

Pastors and other church leaders attended from churches across the city and the teaching of Mal Fletcher was received with real enthusiasm.

Mal said after the event: ‘Given the warm response to this first MasterClass event, we’re hoping to plan a follow-up for next year.’

‘Riga has become the Zurich of the former eastern bloc, a financial hub, and is moving fast into a Western mindset on many fronts.’

‘The church in this city has an exciting opportunity to stay ahead of the game, and be a central part of inventing the future.’

For more on Good News Christian Centre, Riga (in English and Russian), go to: .

Communication and Media MasterClass events will follow in Munich (Oct 14-15), Amsterdam (Nov 4-5), Sheffield (Nov 25) and Helsinki (Dec 2-3).

For more information on any of these events, go to: .

Keywords: MasterClass | Master Class | Mal Fletcher | EU | Next Wave International | Communication | Media | News

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I really appreciate this ministry! I think you are a very important tool in the world today & for Christians. I'm so encouraged by the teaching!!
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Hi Mal, you recently preached at our Sunday service at Rhema Bible Church in Joburg, South Africa. You preached God's word with such simplicity and I left church feeling really inspired. It's been a blessing going through the articles on this site.
Elaine, South Africa

Your social comment gives me great insight into things that don't make a lot of sense to me...
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