Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is training organizations to engage the future & move society forward in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher
Change is the wallpaper of today's leadership environment - nothing much stays the same for long. Innovation demands that we allow for failure along the way.
How can leaders in business, civic authorities and community organisations create cultures of innovation by allowing for strategic failure?
Mal Fletcher, global leadership speaker and social futurist answered the question in an interview for the Vision Radio network in Australia.
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Mal, I heard you speak at Hillsong London. It was awesome! I was saved on this very day last year and have been on fire for the Lord ever since. God bless
Bianca, Australia
I have just been put on to your website and just read your article about the London bombings. Thank you. I am going to be passing the site on to friends who I know want to hear a good, well written report. Diane, UK
Thanks so much Mal and all the crew members of Next Wave international for your insights about life... Michael Olowu, Nigeria