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Micah Challenge's Global Day for Poor

Added Monday, September 13, 2010 View full list    Print version    

Micah Challenge, a global organisation calling governments to account on commitments to reducing poverty, is calling millions of Christians to a day of prayer and action against extreme poverty as part of a global event being held on October 10, 2010.

On the tenth of October 2010, 10.10.10, 100 million Christians will be praying the same words of a prayer and making as many as 10 million promises to remember the poor. They will remind up to 1000 political leaders to take action on poverty commitments made through the Millenium Development Goals.

Five signature events are being planned to highlight the day in Australia, India, South Africa, the UK and Equador, as part of the 10.10.10 initiative.

Micah Challenge's International Director, Joel Edwards, said: "The campaign in October will come three weeks after a crucial review of our performance so far at a United Nations Leaders Summit in New York. The world will be assessing how we are doing in fulfilling our promises.10.10.10 offers us an opportunity for robust and prophetic engagement around the promises made to the poor, as well as to offer critical evaluations of world government responses. This is why our prayer, promise and action are both timely and potentially transformational".

Mal Fletcher, director of Next Wave International & the 2020Plus think tank, says: "Joel Edwards is a close friend and we at Next Wave International & 2020Plus are very committed to the goals of Micah Challenge. There work is an essential part of the global church's engagement with mainstream community problems - and an important, united witness to global governments."

"I would encourage - actually, urge - every church leader to get behind this event, particularly by having your congregation or network of churches pray the prayer on 10.10.10."

This global movement was launched at the United Nations in 2004 and holds 40 national campaigns each reflecting a wide range of participants. It is recognised by political leaders and governments all over the globe, including the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon, the former Prime Minister of Australia, Kevin Rudd, and the former British Prime Minster, Gordon Brown.

The Micah 2010 campaign is also being backed by key church movements such as the Assemblies of God, Salvation Army, Hillsong, Youth With A Mission, Scripture Union, and YFC Europe, as well as key networks such as the Hillsong church network.

Development agencies pledging to partner with Micah Challenge include Tearfund, World Vision, Christian Aid and Compassion.

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams supports 10.10.10: "If we start acting now and if we as believers can pull together in supporting these goals we can hold our governments to account and we can make a difference in the world, the kind of difference God asks us to make".

As momentum continues to grow across the globe, student campuses in the US are showing their support for Micah 2010, while in Zambia plans are afoot for regional meetings and interdenominational church services.

Australian partners are preparing to highlight 10.10.10 at Voice for Justice, where they will meet political leaders. Partners in Malaysia, Portugal and many other nations are continuing to mobilize critical support for the 10.10.10 campaign.

For up-to-date news on the 10.10.10 global prayer event, and how YOU can get involved, please visit

Keywords: micah challenge | global poverty | poverty issues | Joel Edwards | Hillsong Church | Tear Fund | Kevin Rudd | UN | Rowan Williams | YWAM | Scripture Union | Assemblies of God | Salvation Army | Millennium pledge | G8

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