Urgent Prayer Needed For Winkie Pratney
Mal Fletcher has requested special prayer by churches and individual Christians for esteemed author, speaker and theologian Winkie Pratney.
In an email sent to major European church network leaders, Mal writes:
"Our dear friend Winkie Pratney, special guest contributor at SLC last year, needs urgent prayer.
Winkie was taken to hospital in New Zealand after suffering a brain aneurism. At present, no surgery has been deemed necessary and medicos are surprised at his rapid progress.
Already, one medico has stated that Winkie is in the 'miracle category', another saying that his progress thus far has renewed her faith.
I spoke with Winkie's wife Fae late on Boxing Day, Dec 26, and whilst Winkie's prognosis at this early stage is said to be good, she is understandably sounding very weary and bothered. We ask you to pray and have your prayer networks praying for Winkie, Fae and William their son.
As may of you will know, Winkie almost died a couple of years back and made a remarkable recovery from a separate condition. We must believe God for another miracle, as Winkie still has much to accomplish, especially with his unique writing."
Further updates will be published by friends and family at www.pratney.com and we ask you to consult this site for updates.
Mal will share some updates via his Twitter feed at twitter.com/malfletcher.
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Excellent web sites and presentations! Sound teaching, scriptural enlightenment, etc.
L. Jeff, Australia
I watched Mal's inspiring EDGES presentation on bioethics. Scientists who do genuine research are a boon to humanity. Physicians do everything they can, fighting to save a life. This is based on the image of the Creator in every human being.
Rev Canon Dr Lakshman Peiris
Mal, your message is revolutionary - the prophetic voice our nation and world needs. Your insight into how things are, have been and will be never cease to amaze me and move me to a higher level. Thankyou for inspiring me to grow. You rock!
Ben, United Kingdom
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