Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is
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Leaders: Expand Your Worldview.

Added Thursday, August 20, 2009 View full list    Print version    
'A leader with a narrow worldview has a very short shelf life,' says Mal Fletcher.

In a new leadership editorial published on this site, Mal writes: 'In an age of increasingly rapid change, professional qualifications and an impressive resume are no longer enough to guarantee longevity of tenure, or enduring influence.'

'People in industry, as in life generally, are looking for information that has been processed through the filter of a wide band of knowledge and wisdom, so that it can be applied constructively and quickly.'

'The wider your knowledge base as a leader, the greater is your capacity to interpret new technologies and ideas and turn them into something useful.'

Mal adds: 'As I travel the world speaking to civic, business, media and community leaders, I'm constantly surprised at how limited is the worldview of so many who hold positions of influence.'

'This limits their ability to make sense of change on behalf of others, which is a key requirement of leadership today.'

This article is a MUST READ for all leaders and people of influence.

Read the full article here

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Keywords: leadership | leader | leaders | leadership skills | church leadership | church leader | pastor | corporate | business | worldview

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I'm impressed by the content/style of EDGES. The program is topical and very realistic about the issues we face.

Hi Mal, I thank God for your ministry gifting. I find your talks to be most relevant & refreshing. You challenge apathy & have your finger on the pulse of current world issues.
Christopher, United Kingdom

Mal, it was good to see you at Christian Broadcasters Conference 07. You have an insight & perspective that's extremely helpful as the UK Christian Broadcasting industry slowly grows up & matures.
Tim, United Kingdom

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