Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is
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Passionate Church In Passionate City

Added Sunday, March 8, 2009 View full list    Print version    
Newcastle is the regional capital for the north-east of England, a region with some of the worst social and crime statistics in the nation.

Whilst Newcastle itself is a major urban centre and generally has a higher standard of living than the surrounding region, the northeast as a whole has some of the highest crime, teen pregnancy and unemployment rates in the UK.

In the middle of all this is an exciting church which, in just three years, has grown to represent several hundred people and shows no signs of slowing up!

Led by pastors Jon and Dee Cook, NCLC (Newcastle Christian Life Centre), is attracting a very pumped up group of mainly GenX and Millennial young adults, who have won passion: to see a radical, contemporary and prophetic church established in this major city.

The city has long been known as the party capital of the UK, with people travelling from across the nation to attend stag nights and the like. It is also a passionate football city.

Yet Jon and Dee and their team are seeing that passion turned into something awesome for the glory of God.

Mal Fletcher recently visited the church for the second time, to speak to leaders from across the city and to address the church. after the visit he said: "I've got a real soft spot for this church. Its high energy, high impact and yet very down-to-earth and community focused."

"For those people who think the church in the UK, or Europe, is dead -- I can only say, you need to visit churches like NCLC!"

You can hear/download Mal's Newcastle leadership sessions, entitled "2020+ Christianity" as podcasts (two parts) on the audio section of our site - click here.

For more on NCLC visit

Keywords: newcastle christian life centre | nclc | jon cook

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My highest respect for Mal Fletcher and team. I truly admire the work you do for the Lord. So relevant to secular as well as Christian society. Well done everyone.
Pearl, United Kingdom

Mal, I saw you at Hillsong London and since then have visited your site a few times. Really enjoy your work. Very useful insights and content.
Bernard, UK

I was only able to attend one of your meetings in Spain, but I really needed to hear what Mal Fletcher had to say. His message was brilliant. Thank you so much for coming!
Jean, Spain

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