Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is training organizations to engage the future & move society forward in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher
One of a string of radio interviews with Mal Fletcher in Australia recently covered a whole range of issues, from life in Europe, the secularization of postmodern society and more.
Originally from Australia, Mal is still often associated with his work as the first national director of Youth Alive, a large national network of youth workers and organisations.
In this 2-part interview, featured at the audio section of our site, Mal talks about the challenges ahead for Europe - and his views on Australia.
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I first came across EDGES in 2000 on a dismal Sunday night in a hotel room in Copenhagen & it really lifted my spirits. So I'm going to watch series 6... Tony Gibbs, United Kingdom
The Daily Recharge has really changed my life! Nosi Mayan, South Africa
My highest respect for Mal Fletcher and team. I truly admire the work you do for the Lord. So relevant to secular as well as Christian society. Well done everyone. Pearl, United Kingdom