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Paris Church Thriving

Added Tuesday, June 17, 2008 View full list    Print version    
France is the only avowedly secular nation in Europe - secularism is built into its constitution. What more challenging place to plant a church?

The brave souls at Hillsong Church, London, did that two years or so ago and today the Hillsong London church in Paris is thriving.

Mal Fletcher, a good friend of church leader Pastor Brendan White, visited again recently to speak to the church and to their inaugural leadership event.

Once again, he found a church buzzing with anticipation, yet grounded in the challenge of growing a church in the midst of a very commercialised and rationalistic city.

Mal said: 'I'm very pleased to see what Brendan, his wife Camille and their team have achieved, even in just the past year since I was here last.

'There's a sense of building something for the long haul, rather than simply lasting from week to week. I know from long experience that this kind of thinking takes time to build into a church - or any organization - and it's a sign that these people are really going to see this through.

For more on Hillsong London Church in Paris, visit

Keywords: Paris | hillsong | hillsong london | hillsong paris | Brendan White | france

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Hi Mal and team. The article on the Danish cartoons is well written.
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