Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is
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Old Story - New Media!

Added Thursday, June 19, 2008 View full list    Print version    
(Listen to the Audio Podcast)

How can we tell an old story, like that of Christianity, using new media? That was the subject of a special session at this year's Churches Media Council conference in England.

The CMC conference is a key event in the calendar for Christian people working in mainstream media across the UK. People who attend include those in radio and TV organisations such as the BBC, ITV etc., as well as some from the independant Christian sector.

The 'Old Story, New Media' session, featured among others Mal Fletcher of Next Wave International and Peter Kerridge (CEO, London's Premier Radio). Mal addressed the fact that the emergence of the so-called Web 3, driven as it is by optical-fibre broadband and superior chip technologies, offers the church and Christians in media many exciting new possibilities for communication.

Click here for a transcript of Mal's speech. Or listen to the Audio Podcast here)

Keywords: new media | internet | web 3.0 | web 3 | mobile internet | Mal Fletcher | edgestv | edges | | oprah | new earth | youtube

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Thanks Mal. I heard some of your audio messages, they are inspirational...
rudresh, India

Hi, just thought you might like to know that I've placed one of Mal Fletcher's videos from YouTube, 'Heaven/Hell', on my website. Appreciate your web pages.
Merryl, Australia

Every morning when I read Daily Recharge, God speaks to me so clearly through His word! I am so encouraged. Keep up the great work!
Sarah, Australia

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