Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is training organizations to engage the future & move society forward in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher
More than one billion people -- 1/6 of the world's population -- use the Internet regularly. Yet, in many ways, the church has been slow to pick up on this huge opportunity for evangelism and training.
Sunday, April 27, has been designated as Internet Evangelism Day. Churches are using this day to promote the gospel particularly via the Internet, focusing evangelism on the huge international web culture and using this as an opportunity to lift their Internet presence.
Churches can download free materials to promote the gospel through the Internet from the Internet Evangelism Day website. The site offers video material, including testimonials from young Christians, as well as instruction on how to make the Internet work in outreach.
Mal Fletcher, director of Next Wave International, and a pioneer of the use of the Internet in outreach, especially in Europe, says: Many church leaders want a vibrant and positive presence on the web. The challenge is knowing what to incorporate -- what people will actually want to see, hear and read -- and knowing how to promote what's on offer."
"At Next Wave International, we were one of the first Christian-based organisations in Europe to use the web for video streaming, more than 10 years ago. Our EDGES TV site alone has introduced people in more than 100 nations to Christian ideas and the Christian message, via cutting-edge WebTV.
"We've also trained hundreds of leaders in Europe, the US and Australasia, in how to use the Internet, through our Masterclass events."
"The Internet Evangelism Day website, though it is directed mainly at an American audience, provides some great examples of what can be done with a little creative planning and creativity. I want to encourage every church leader to take a look at the site and make use of some of the resources available -- and perhaps to take up the focus of April 27."
"I also want to remind leaders of the huge amount of material on our own websites -- and especially on our YouTube site, where videos can easily be embedded in your own church site. They are not promotions for our ministry; simply presentations of Christian truth through Web video.
One of the most popular of these videos is "The World's Most Amazing Book" -- on the history of the Bible [see above] -- and "Who is Jesus?" These are great evangelism tools for your church, young adult programme or ministry.
Mal adds: "One of the best features of the Internet Evangelism Day website is the uniqueness of the Internet as a communications medium. Make sure you read that!"
Keywords: Internet Evangelism Day | Internet evangelism | Christian Internet | Web TV | WebTV | YouTube | EDGES | Mal Fletcher | Next Wave International | Church |
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Every day I spend not a little time on this site... Thanks from a GenXer! Elena, Bulgaria
Thank you for MasterClass in Riga, I really enjoyed it! God bless you!
Marco, Latvia
Thank you for your article on Setting Your Sights on Revelation Not Human Motivation. It's rare to find a great revelation like this. I will keep checking here every month for your leadership series. Michael, Australia