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New Breed of Urban Leaders

Added Monday, May 14, 2007 View full list    Print version    
A new breed of urban youth workers is emerging through the church in the UK, reports Mal Fletcher.

Mal was recently the guest of honour at a training day for urban youth pastors from across the UK, hosted by Audacious and Youth Alive, UK.

The event was led by Glyn Barrett, director of both organisations, with the goal of taking youth works in major city areas to new levels of excellence and effectiveness.

Mal’s sessions covered a range of subjects, based on his book The Church of 2020. Afterwards, an extended question and answer session led to a discussion of some of the major challenges facing youth workers in cities today.

After the event, Mal said: ‘I love the work of Glyn and his team. They’re bold, in-your-face and, as their name suggests, “audacious”.’

‘It was great to feel the creative juices of successful leaders who desperately want to reach another level of influence in their cities.’

‘Oh, and I enjoyed seeing my daughter Deanna again – she’s part of the leadership group and hosted me all day… Great…’

For more on the work of these organisations, visit and

Keywords: audacious | live audacious | youth alive (UK) | youth alive | Mal Fletcher | Glyn Barrett

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Just wanted to let you know that what you are doing is affecting and impacting lives beyond what you see. It is helping to keep us sharp as a church.
Chris, USA

It was a real blessing to have you with us in Norwich. You showed us an inspiring professional edge as an example of the greatness required for influence.
Owen, UK

Hey, thanks for the great articles, it is a blessing to read you
Paul, Norway

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