Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is
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NWI: LONDON/05 Strategic Leadership Consultation, May 5-7

Added Wednesday, April 6, 2005 View full list    Print version    
Charles de Gaulle once remarked that, 'Politics is too important to be left to politicians.'

Across Europe right now, major moral and ethical decisions are being made at the highest levels. These decisions will shape generations to come and make it either harder or easier to win people for Christ.

Will the next generation bless us for making the preaching of the gospel easier, or reproach us for ignoring change until it was too late? At a time when Europe's future is being decided, secular leaders need to hear the positive voice of Europe's new churches.

How can church leaders develop bridges of trust with civic leadership and government, so that their voices are heard? That is the subject of this year's LONDON05/SLC event, May 5-7. This invitation only event is more a forum than a conference and keynote presenters this year include Gerald Coates (UK).

For more on LONDON05/SLC, Click here.
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I was reading 'Not My Fault'. As a pastor I read your articles with great interest -- very insightful. Thanks for your prophetic voice to this Post Modern Generation.
Anthony, Australia

I would pay any cost, and travel any distance to attend these MasterClasses! Absolutely essential material for any leader!
Jonathan, United Kingdom

It was a real blessing to have you with us in Norwich. You showed us an inspiring professional edge as an example of the greatness required for influence.
Owen, UK

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