Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is
training organizations to engage the future & move society forward
in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher

MasterClass 04

Added Friday, March 5, 2004 View full list    Print version    
Next Wave International MasterClasses for 2004 will help church and other leaders to extend their reach.

This year, Next Wave International will take its MasterClass strategy to a whole new level, with more events in more cities.

Five MasterClasses are planned for the year, set in key cities including Riga, Latvia (April 15: Mal Fletcher), Kassell, Germany (October 6-7: Mal Fletcher and Bayless Conley), London (UK), Sheffield (UK), plus for the first time, we will also run MasterClass in Australia, in cooperation with Planet Shakers and City Church, Melbourne and the EdgeNet leadership network (November 9-11: Mal Fletcher, Danny Guglielmucci, Russell Evans).

MasterClass is a unique leadership experience, with a special focus on communication and media, generations and leadership. Watch our website for details over coming weeks.
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Your Feedback
I was only able to attend one of your meetings in Spain, but I really needed to hear what Mal Fletcher had to say. His message was brilliant. Thank you so much for coming!
Jean, Spain

Today was the first time I watched EDGES. I am very impressed with your program and your website. Keep up the good work.

Mal, you were recently in Grenoble (France) for a conference. I appreciated your teaching very much & look forward to reading Five Big Ideas!
BONNAZ, France

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