Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is
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Scottish Independence Results - Mal on LBC Radio

Added Monday, September 22, 2014 View full list    Print version    
In the wake of the Scottish independence referendum, how do people in the UK see themselves - as British, or English, Scottish, Welsh or Northern Irish?

What lessons need to be learned going forward post-referendum? What form of government might Britain adopt in order to allow for national pride?

Mal Fletcher answered these and other questions in an interview with the Daily Mail's Andrew Pierce on LBC, talk radio in London.

Click here to listen/download.
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Thanks for keeping us on our toes, Mal! As Christians living in today's ultra-pragmatic culture, our choices need to recognize the present reality while seeing it through the perspective of our God-revealed future.
Ann, Australia

This site is a great source for every leader who is trying to make a difference in their country. I use it daily for my news, daily recharges and great teachings from Mal.Thanks!
Wesley, United States

I enjoy your Daily Recharges everyday!
Mrs Mac, USA

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