Horrifying reports are emerging worldwide about a rise in persecution and oppression of Christians and other minority groups in various regions of the world.
Recently, the global community has been shocked to read of atrocities and possible genocide in the Middle East.
In a special TV feature, just released by 2020Plus and our own Edges TV, Mal Fletcher speaks with Bishop Dr Michael Nazir-Ali about the historical, political and religious origins of militant extremism and what might be done about the problem of persecution – and for the persecuted.
To watch the interview now, click here.
Bishop Dr Michael Nazir-Ali is an Anglican bishop, author, media commentator and passionate advocate for persecuted people around the world. He is the former bishop of Rochester (England) and Raiwind (Pakistan) and regularly comments and writes on issues relating to extremism and Muslim-Christian relations.
The 30 minute HD programme, filmed in London, will be shown on respected Christian TV platforms in the US, UK, Europe, Australia, NZ, South Afica and the Middle East. A radio package will also be released in the next week.
The programme has its TV premiere this Sunday evening, but it has already been released as a Webcast at edges.tv/persecution, which also features links to organisations who are working with persecuted minorities worldwide.
And please help spread the word via social media etc. Help us raise awareness on this hugely important issue.
(There is a short doc you can download from the site, which suggests the best ways to promote this via social media.)
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Dear Mal, I saw you some years ago in Lisbon. I was deeply blessed by your prophetic spirit for the nations. I'm especially moved by your messages that speak about being an influence in our world...
Paulo Batista, Portugal
Mal, I just wanted to thank you for visiting Abundant Life and RN06. I am a psychiatrist in the NHS and agree very much with what you were saying about the secular services coming to us in 20 years for advice on how to do things. A group of us are starting a ministry to be ready to be asked!
Rob, United Kingdom
Mal, I had the good fortune of hearing your wisdom on several topics, here in the USA. Thank you. I hope our paths cross again.
Koz, USA
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