Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is
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Civic and Business Leaders Event Berlin

Added Friday, June 13, 2014 View full list    Print version    

Berlin is a city bristling with creative energy and rapidly gaining a reputation as a competitor to established innovation centres like London’s Soho.

The 2020Plus Civic and Business Leaders Event, hosted by Future Minded Group of Berlin, brought together influential leaders from the worlds of business (including entrepreneurs), education, civics and the third sector.

MalThe event featured important cross-sector networking opportunities for leaders as well as two highly impacting lecture presentations from social futurist Mal Fletcher, Chairman of the 2020Plus Think Tank in London (and director of Next Wave International).

Mal addressed the invited leaders on Winning the Innovation Race, focusing on the impact on Berlin’s future of such things as rapid urbanisation, robotisation and a new style of leadership under the Millennial generation.

The feedback for the event was overwhelmingly positive and this was very encouraging for Future-Minded Group who, a social enterprise venture, are new on the scene in Berlin.

Click here for a Berlin-based report.

A follow-up event is planned for March 2015.

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Thanks for keeping us on our toes, Mal! As Christians living in today's ultra-pragmatic culture, our choices need to recognize the present reality while seeing it through the perspective of our God-revealed future.
Ann, Australia

This site is a great source for every leader who is trying to make a difference in their country. I use it daily for my news, daily recharges and great teachings from Mal.Thanks!
Wesley, United States

Mal you are truly a profound and prolific speaker. Your EDGES programs have been really insightful and helpful.

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