Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is
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in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher

Berlin Connect Really Connects!

Added Thursday, February 13, 2014 View full list    Print version    
Berlin is among the most innovative cities in Europe today. Yet, after an often troubled modern history, there are still great social needs.

In the midst of the rapid change Berlin is seeing today, a great church is emerging.

Berlin Connect was pioneered by Mark and Joyce Wilkinson just a few years ago but it is already establishing itself as a major emerging centre for outreach, social action and innovation.

Mal Fletcher recently visited the church for the third time and found it had grown significantly in just a few months.

'Berlin Connect is set to become one of the most notable young churches in Europe,' said Mal after this visit.

'It combines excellence of presentation, with passionate people and a commitment to generosity and hospitality.'

Mal spoke in 4 services over the Sunday visit and found the people eager to learn and grow.

'Mark and Joyce have always been special to us, but now their church is becoming a favourite too!'

Partly inspired by their involvement with Mal and the 2020Plus Civic and Business Leadership Project, Berlin Connect have launched a social enterprise arm called The Future Minded Group.

This group will host the 2020Plus Civic and Business Leaders Event in Berlin on May 22. For more on the event, visit

For more on Berlin Connect church, visit

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I just wish that more people knew about your EDGES website. The world is dying to hear about such a message. Thank you!
Gustave, USA

Mal, I watched you on God TV last Saturday & was so encouraged to hear you speak about 'making God famous'. Thanks for your commitment to Europe, it really encourages me!
Gillian, United Kingdom

Mal, I heard your superb word at Sheffield Hallam Uni . AWESOME.I felt the presence of the Lord.
Israel, UK

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