Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is
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in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher

Pastors' Invitation Think Tank Event in London

Added Thursday, October 17, 2013 View full list    Print version    
The 2020Plus Invitation Think Tank event on Dec 6, supported by Next Wave International, will bring together 25 strategically-minded church leaders from across the UK.

The all-day event will feature presentations by Social Futurist Mal Fletcher on emerging social change.

These will be followed by in-depth interactive discussions on opportunities for proactive engagement by local churches with their communities.

Mal Fletcher says: 'This type of event - relatively rare in church leadership circles - allows leaders to look beyond the bottom line of numerical growth and see opportunities for lasting and rising influence.'

'The Dec 6 Event will give leaders the chance to see how their choices can help redeem aspects of the city's life where Christ can be made known.'

The next Invitation Think Tank takes place on December 6, in Pall Mall London.

The invitation list is full at this point, but future events are planned for 2014.

Watch this space for news of coming events!

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I read your Daily Recharge devotions nearly everyday and it really encourages my spirit.
Elaine, Australia

Only a few days after learning of Next Wave I typed in 'Germany' in the search field. Less than a week later my puppet show is being considered for a part of [the ProChrist event]. Yes, you are effecting things you are very unaware of.
Robert, Germany

I have listened to several of the messages available on your website (thank you for making them accessible). They have revealed, expanded, and confirmed things in my heart and as a result I am much stronger as a Pastor and Leader.
Chris, USA

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