Big Growth in Media Presence
The commentary offered by NWI's Mal Fletcher continues to grow, in media outlets across Europe.
In the past 4 months alone, he has featured in 29 major interviews with mainstream press and media, particularly with the BBC.
Mal was interviewed by four Portuguese national newspapers earlier in the year, on the future of the nation post-recession and how the country might adjust its priorities going forward.
Mal also featured in 15 BBC interviews on the future of religion within the monarchy - and whether Christianity will still play a prominent role when Prince George eventually comes to the throne.
Mal says: 'It is a priviledge to address so many different, important issues in the media. It is not an opportunity I take lightly.'
'My goal is to add value to the story before me; moving people's understanding forward in some way and adding value to change.'
To access Mal's media and press archive, please visit the audio section of this site, or the larger archive at 2020plus.net.
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Mal, I just wanted to thank you for visiting Abundant Life and RN06. I am a psychiatrist in the NHS and agree very much with what you were saying about the secular services coming to us in 20 years for advice on how to do things. A group of us are starting a ministry to be ready to be asked!
Rob, United Kingdom
We've been watching the EDGES DVDs in our youth service on Sundays & they've helped us with some questions we had. We love them!
Sarah, UK
Your new book is a must - having read a few of the excerpts available online, it is one I will be ordering. Gen-Xers, the future is ours. Thanks Mal for your Godly guidance and belief.
Damien, Australia
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