Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is training organizations to engage the future & move society forward in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher
Will moving toward a cashless economy add to the challenges of "digital dementia"?
What effect will moving toward a cashless economy have on the way we think and on problems like rising personal debt and human relationships?
Social Futurist Mal Fletcher tackled these and other issues related to the push for cashless economies in a radio interview yesterday with Steve Austin for ABC Brisbane, Australia.
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I am constantly blessed & inspired by reading the Daily Recharge.
Thankyou Mal for being a faithful mouthpiece for God and being willing to pay the price that is necessary if one is going to minister life! John, Australia
Great to hear those 80s songs (that blessed so many back then). 'To share God's love in music and word' is a great calling. I guess there's no time for a new album?! Ann, Australia
The Daily Recharge continues to inspire. Thanks. Rob, UK