Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is
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Church in Watford London on the Move

Added Monday, September 23, 2013 View full list    Print version    
Watford in London is perhaps best known as the one-time centre of British newspaper printing - and, of course, for its brewery industry.

On a recent visit, however, Mal Fletcher found that the area is also home to a growing, community-centric church with a strategic approach to proactive influence in the long-term.

Mal was guest speaker for an event bringing together church and community leaders from across the region, hosted by the Assemblies of God, Great Britain.

The region's churches are overseen by Gary Rucci, a long-time friend of Next Wave International and now Missions Director and Area Leader for the AOG GB.

Mal addressed the leaders for 2 hours on "The Social Tsunami: Engaging Social Change" and the response was extremely positive.

Mal then stayed to speak for Sunday morning services at Watford Community Church, which hosted the leaders' event. The church, led by Pastors Tim and Helen Roberts, has a first-class new facility within a short walk of Watford's city centre.

After his visit, Mal said: 'It was encouraging to see how engaged the regional leaders were with the material on future change. This signals a great future for churches and faith-based organisations in the area.'

'Davina and I were also impressed with the engagement of people in the Sunday services - and particularly by the strategic attitude of Tim and Helen Roberts. This is a church worth watching!'

For more on Watford Community Church, visit

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Your Feedback
Mal, great article on the leader of Britain's army. I was having the same discussion earlier today, came to my PC and found you backed up everything I had said! Keep up the incredible work!
Joel Robinson, United Kingdom

Thanks for keeping us on our toes, Mal! As Christians living in today's ultra-pragmatic culture, our choices need to recognize the present reality while seeing it through the perspective of our God-revealed future.
Ann, Australia

I was close to tears when I read the excerpt from Mal's new book "The Future is X". He reminded me of things from my past which were so dramatically true.
Antonio, Portugal

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