Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is
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Reinhard Bonnke At Pan-European Next Wave Summit

Added Monday, March 4, 2002 View full list    Print version    
Reinhard Bonnke, the renowned evangelist, will make a special trip to Spain in April for the Next Wave International(TM) pan-European leadership summits held in Marbella.

The Strategic Leadership Consultation (SLC) will bring together 40-50 key senior leaders from major churches and ministries across Europe, as well as visitors from Australia, the U.S.A. and elsewhere.

This summit, in its fourth year, is unique in that it brings together major apostolic leaders from many European nations, for a focussed, round-table strategy meeting on the future of the church in Europe.

TIME magazine recently called Europe the least religious place on earth. Once the cradle of Christian mission to the world, Europe is now steeped in materialism and rationalism. However, there is a growing openness to the message about Jesus.

Mal Fletcher, founder and host of the annual summit, says: 'We want the major church and network leaders of Europe to be able to get the big picture on what is happening across Europe. I believe God is raising up a new hunger for strategic alliances among key leaders.'

The EYE summit, which runs alongside SLC, will bring together 50 key leaders of the young from more than 16 nations.

This network has already helped to raise up a new generation of cutting-edge leaders across Europe and is an inspiration to many of Europe's most successful GenX leaders.

Major themes for discussion at the summits include: Church Planting, Evangelism of Major Cities and Missions in Europe.

'We are honoured to have Reinhard Bonnke with us,' says Mal Fletcher. 'It is very unusual for him to speak to such a small, select group of leaders.'

'He still has an almost unbelievable travel schedule around the globe and is flying in from the U.S.A. just to address the summit leaders, before flying back. He clearly believes in the importance of these high-level meetings.'

Please pray that God will give major breakthroughs at the summits this year, for key cities across Europe.
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Awesome resources, very helpful and valuable. I am preaching at a youth conference next weekend and have found some great supporting material here, thank you.
Leanne, New Zealand

Thank you for your regular E-News newsletters, and for your article: Discover The Motion Behind Your Promotion. It was really encouraging.
Anisha, India

Hey Mal. As part of Gen X I'm truly inspired to make God famous..
Blessing, Zimbabwe

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