Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is
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20.2020Project Major Success in Norwich

Added Sunday, March 17, 2013 View full list    Print version    
The recent 2020Plus Civic and Business Leadership Event in Norwich, co-sponsored by Next Wave International, drew together 40 key civic leaders from the city and region.

Hosted by The Space, under the leadership of Managing Director Tom Rawls, the event was the culmination of an 18 month project.

The 20.2020Project, led by Mal Fletcher, is designed to add value to the skills of civic leaders drawn from national and regional politics, local authorities - in education, health, police etc - and in the growth edges of regional business and development - including technology and research and development. 'Backed by a significant amount of ongoing research, the project aims to help civic leaders see how local changes, challenges and opportunities fit into a larger context,' says Mal.

The project also aims to help strategically-minded local churches to build relationships of trust with top tier leaders in their cities. 'The project certainly doesn't push a church agenda,' Mal adds, 'but it indirectly demonstrates that groups like local churches have much to offer in helping cities to move forward in a positive direction.'

Overall the project will operate in 20 key cities in Europe by the year 2020. It is already active in eight UK and European cities, with similar events running in Australia. Last year, similar events were also held in Johannesberg, where 400 business leaders attended a one-off 2020Plus event hosted by Rivers Church and another in Minnesota, USA.

Tom Rawls, who is also leader of Proclaimers Church in Norwich said, 'This project has given us a broader understanding of who are the really influential people in our city and provided a platform for connecting with some local leaders for the first time.'

For more on the project, see

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I think yours was the best and most succinct critique I've yet read on 'The Da Vinci Code'. As you say, we can still use it as a platform for presenting the real gospel.
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