Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is
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Master Class Tackles Advanced Leadership Issues

Added Thursday, February 21, 2002 View full list    Print version    
Since the launch of Next Wave's Leadership NOW! Master Classes for leaders, two years ago, scores of senior and younger leaders from across Europe have been lifted to new levels of excellence.

The Master Class concept is unique, focussing as it does on communication, media, generational and cultural trends and leadership skills.

This year, two major Master Class programs will run in Trondheim, Norway (June 3-7) and London (Sept 26-28).

World-class leadership trainers include: Mal Fletcher, Winkie Pratney, Danny Guglielmucci (Aust.), Steve Kelly (USA) and others.

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I am an Italian pastor with a vision to plant churches in my nation. Please pray for me, my family and my church. God Bless You!
Saverio, Italy

Mal, you and your team are doing an amazing job! It is a privilege to know you! Bless you and your family...
Mark & Tammy, Canada

Thanks a lot for a great site. As a pastor serving in a postmodern culture I've at last found some tools to use and learn from. I hope this website will serve others as well as it have been serving me.
Anders, Sweden

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