AMAZON KINDLE version of Five Big Ideas
Mal Fletcher's popular book 'Five Big Ideas: Concepts That Shape Our Culture' is now available for download to the AMAZON KINDLE (search 'Mal Fletcher' in Kindle store).
The introduction to the books says:
In a world of increasing complexity, we need to be alert to the ideas that shape our values and behaviour. There are five big ideas that shape today's increasingly globalised culture.
Though we seldom dwell on them consciously or deliberately, these powerful concepts often shape our responses to the big questions of life.
Mal Fletcher shows how these dominant concepts differ from those that underpin the kingdom of God announced by Jesus Christ, and shows how we can shape the culture more than it shapes us.
The book includes a further study guide, plus recommended reading and viewing lists.
The book is also available in paperback from our webshop (click here) and in other e-book formats (click here)
Keywords: amazon kindle | five big ideas | mal fletcher on Amazon Kindle |
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